Act I scene II

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Days passed and a steady routine had been set I awoke, ate, went to school, and home. My wife and I stood at a distance so little talking, and so distance. She sat and looked at her electronic devices disappearing into the whirlwind of the seams. Hours would passed before a single sound dropped from her lips, a movement other than her rattling eyes and twitching thumb. My life became caught in work soon my Professional Developmental Reasulte results would come, and my work life choices could be made. Soon upon the land I am glamorous professor giving students a deep working of my knowledge. Gathering the keys to open the doors to the knowledge of the universe these thoughts tantalized just barely above my reach. Mother how you mocked me, now within a few short hours my time will come.




The doors swung open wide and might glissing under the orange-sun, so bright today with a wide-reaching smile. Mother Nature kissed the land flowers bloomed the winds didn't blow, the children ran with laughters across my street. A mail-man walked through the doors and handed it to me, I waved him a vibrant happy goodbye. Today was the day, everything was right not a single thing was out of place. "You seem so vivid today, so lively like I never seen you before. Life no longer seems to bug you, happiness, is all around. It's cute." I looked towards my wife and tried to hold the grin across my face, it was the first time upon the month she had said a word to me.


The paper was heavy and sealed writing filled almost every single place I sniffed it and held it tight. Every restraint and chain crumbled from my view I popped the seal open with my thumb, and handed it towards her getting the puzzled look upon her face. She snatched it up and read the words aloud, I stopped in my tracks. Darkness seeped the land, my color drained, and I looked at her with a vile anger. "Say that again! I must've heard you wrong."
"It says Advanced Quantum Computer systems is the best for you. And says quote 'Thou you're intelligent, and wise. Your ability to handle academic rigour is admirable to teach is not for you. These jobs options which have been listed none require the knowledge that you seek remember it's best for you, and best for society... I don't know how long you want to hear the sounds that escape from my voice. Their not much that can be done, sorry."


I slammed the door shut behind me and tried to disappear from the world. From my inception for eighteen bloody years had I planned to teach. To do research, and color the world with my knowledge, all was a waste. A tapping filled the room, "If you want to stay away from me, hide from the world you can, or we could chat. Or something..." Her words disappeared into the night I laid on the bed away from her fate took the whip of reality striking me without care, blow after blow. First my marriage to a deplorable person, problems with the law, schools and career choices throw away, all of it just overwhelmed me, and the only thing I could do was sob from all the emotions.

"Please," something struck the doors and silence filled the room...

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