Ch. 1

240 11 6

I do not own anything!

(A/N) Alright, so this is a challenge/prompt requested by potta4life. The creator of the prompt is juubi-mage0327. Now even though I am writing this, pretty much all the ideas, pairing, and weapons. Are all from juubi-mage0327. We have been messaging back and forth on this story, and hopefully, it turns out good.

Here is the challenge/prompt. Created by juubi-mage0327.


Naruto was sent to the Uzumaki mask temple during the scroll incident, him being there, found a hidden compartment in the temple. In the compartment was multiple books. After putting the books to the side, he looked into the forbidden scroll but came upon a blood seal, a letter from his mother. She explained that he was born with a bloodline, an ability to use spiritual energy, to cast spells, And from his father a scroll saying apologies for sealing the fox in him.

Naruto uses magic and no Jutsu.

Necromancy- manipulation of souls, and the dead.

 Divination- to see future, and past events.

 Transmutation- to change something to another (like a whip to a snake, or a staff to a sword).

 Evocation- to summon beings, (like angels, devils, and so on).

 Abjuration - support spells, healing, shields barriers.

 Conjuration- basically manipulation of the elements to form attacks, like ninjutsu.

 Enchantment - ability to enhance objects, like making weapons and armor stronger, or giving them special abilities.


Warning! Naruto will be godlike!


I frowned, staring at the floor as I walked to where I am supposed to meet Mizuki. He had told me that in order to become a ninja, I had to steal the scroll of sealing. I had never heard of stealing a scroll as a test. But then again, we are ninja, we lie, cheat, and steal. Or as least that's what ninja are supposed to do.

Stopping, I Glanced down at the scroll in my hand. I had waited until it had turned dark, then snuck into the Hokages office. Fortunately, there was no one there, allowing me to steal the scroll unnoticed.

Peeling my eyes away from the scroll, I looked at where I was supposed to meet Mizuki. It was an old abandoned temple that looked as if it would collapse at any moment. Part of the roof had fallen, and most of the stairs were broken. There were holes all over, and it looked as if no one had lived here for the past decade.

Shaking my head, I slowly and carefully went inside. Taking the steps one at a time, I shifted my weight to each foot, as I walked up the stairs. I was fully ready to bolt the second the stairs or ceiling moved.

"Mizuki-Sensei!" I called out as I entered the temple. "You there?" I frowned at the silence — not a single noise. I took a glance around the room. It was empty. There were broken floors and broken walls all around me. But, overall, it was empty. 

Walking further in I took a seat down and looked at the scroll in my hand. "Might as well," I muttered. It wasn't as if anyone would know if I looked at it. That and I didn't know what this scroll was in the first place. All I was told was where to find it. Not a hint as to what was in it.

"Let's see," I smirked. Opening up the scroll, I saw a list of hand seals for different Jutsu. "A Jutsu scroll." Closing the scroll, I quickly walked around the temple, searching for some paper. I had a scroll with free Jutsu just waiting to be taken, and Mizuki was late. It was pretty much begging me to copy the scroll.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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