Chapter 1

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It was almost dawn when the half crushed Sedan reached the gate of the Catskill Hill house. The gate was tall and heavy and it set strongly into a wall made of aluminum. The gate was locked and chained and she wondered that who wants to get in so badly. She pressed the horn that even the trees slightly shuddered from the sound. After 5 minutes she pressed the horn again and saw a tall man coming towards her. She didn't dare to get out of the car. The man looked mean and unwelcoming. Fate thought that maybe she made a mistake coming here. The house looked changed, it was looking older than it ever was. Her thoughts were interrupted by a harsh knock on her window.

She rolled down the windows.

"What do you want?" His voice was eerie and strange.

"Can you please unlock the gate?" she spoke at last

Why? The man growled

Layla is expecting me she called me yesterday and invited me here. Can you please unlock the gate? I'm very tired.

The man didn't lowered his eyes from her, he was studying her as if she was an ancient statue sitting in the museum.

He opened the gate. "Finally" the words just slipped out of her mouth. Her car entered and she saw Layla at the end of the driveway waving at her excitedly. Along with her standing was Mr. and Mrs. Thyme.

She took a deep breath and got out of the car. Layla ran towards her and hugged her.

"Finally!" you're here. I've been waiting for you. You know I cleaned my room for you, I was going to clean the red room but I thought it would be more fun if we sleep together in the same room. We can stay up-

Hold on! Hold on! She was interrupted by Mrs. Thyme. She hardly just got out of the car and you've started your nonsense. Let her come inside first.

It's okay! Mr.'s Thyme. Fate said with a smile on her face. I don't mind her. She's like a sister to me.

"Welcome to the Catskill Mountain house." Mr. Thyme spoke at last. I hope you would find it comfortable just the way you did five years ago. He had something strange in his eyes like he's hiding a dreadful secret. What happened to your car? He asked.

It's nothing I just had a little accident while crossing the bridge she said lowering her eyes.

An accident!!! Layla screamed, Are you okay? What happened?

Yeah! I'm fine I.... I actually don't know what happened exactly.

Oh! You poor thing Mr.'s Thyme chimed in. Hope you're not hurt. Come inside let me have a look at you.

No! Seriously I'm fine Fate said backing up a little. I'm just a little tired that's all.

Mr. Thyme was constantly eyeballing her Fate didn't liked the way he talked or looked at her. She felt a shiver in her spine.

Layla grabbed her by her arm and took her inside. Hill house was changed for sure. The hallway was long and it could stretch on forever, the walls were old and the paint was coming off. The chandelier was swinging on its own, something was different about this house. The woods crackled under her weight.

Wow! This house is old. Fate said with a blank face.

Yeah! Dad talked with a couple of buyers but no one's willing to buy this house. Layla told gloomily. Dad even lowered the price of the house but not a single buyer ever step foot inside the house.

Fate was moving around checking the house she was opening doors one by one. When she touched the doorknob of the last door on the right it was frozen, so cold that she shivered. She heard the rattling of chains from inside the room, she tried to open it but the door was locked she pushed a little harder but it was frozen.

Layla?????? No response from her. Lyla??? She screamed

Layla came running what's wrong?

This door she said it's jammed I think and I heard someone moving inside.

What? This door has been locked for years. Are you sure?

Yes! I'm sure

What's wrong? Why are you two making so much noise? Mr. Thyme said

Dad! Fate heard someone inside. I think someone broke in and also why is this door locked? And it's freezing even though it's summer.

That's enough from you two. And you Fate this door has been locked from years ever since we moved in, so no one is inside he said rolling his eyes towards her. Besides, you've travelled a long way you must be tired that's why you're hearing things. Layla take Fate to her room. Goodnight.

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