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  *Stella's pov*
I woke up in a room there where dark I could almost not see I thought I maybe have night vision I closed my eyes and focus and open it worked, I walk around in the room and saw a door and try to open it but it was locked, I began do hit the door
Stella: let me out! *yell*
I could hear there come someone so I took I few steps back and I could hear the door open and the light come on and I still had night vision on so everything become light so it hurt my eyes. I fall to the ground and took my hands to cover my eyes
Stella: can you tell me next time you turn on the light!
??: don't talk like that to me!
I could almost normal see, I look up
Stella: who are you.
??: I'm your dad my name is mason
Stella: really...?
Mason: yeah
I got up and I could see normal
Stella: why am I here?
Mason: because I want to protect you
Stella: I have a brother to do that so no thanks!
He all the time look on my hands I think it's wired
Stella: why are you looking at my hands?
Mason: oh it's nothing can you show me them
I took my hands up and show him he hurried to put something on them so it began to fell like it's fire in them
Stella: ouch why do it hurt
Mason: sorry I had to so you can't use you powers it's too dangerous I help you with find a stuff there can remove them
Stella: wait what but why!
Mason: you will understand now go sleep!
Stella: no! You can tell me what to do!
Mason: I'm your dad and you shall do what i say!
I walk over to the bed and lay down, I could hear he walk out and lock the door. I couldn't sleep I just think first off all why he put that thing on my hands if he will remove my powers it's my eyes wait I can see if people lie I can do that to him, I fall asleep. I woke up I didn't know what the clock was because I have broke my phone I got up I just sat on the floor and looked at the wall I didn't have anything else to do, I began to think off cash and how much he have help me he have never lied or keep things for me, my eyes began to light up
Stella: oh no....! Stop it
I try to get it to stop I stop think off him and it go way, I could hear there come some one there open the door, that's was close, I got up and it was mason
Stella: what?!
Mason: relax I should see how my beautiful star had it
Stella: I'm fine or you have not give me food or something to drink,
Mason: yeah sorry
He should to walk out
Stella: wait!
Mason: what?
Stella: you my dad right
Mason: yeah ofc
Stella: okay look me in the eyes and say you my dad
Mason: why..? *confused*
Stella: just trust me
He looked me in the eyes
Mason: I'm you dad
Stella: you laying!
Mason: what how wait no!
I kick him so he fall and run out the door but there was to boys they grab me and walk back with me in the room,
Mason: not so fast
He took some handcuffs and sat my hand to the side of the bed so I couldn't go
Stella: let me go!
Mason: no
He walk out with the boys and I try to get the handcuff off but I couldn't, I couldn't not even lay down in the bed I had to sleep on the floor, when I see maverick agin I'm gonna kick him so hard that he can't walk agin. Sometime later I was so hungry and thirsty, I could hear there come one in it was a boy, he come with food and drink he sat it on the table on the other side of the room
Stella: are you serious?! *annoyed*
Boy: sorry I got ordered to set it here
I roll my eyes and he walk out, so now I gonna die of thirst and hunger GREAT.

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