Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The morning classes go by in a blur and next thing I know, its lunchtime. I grab my bag and go back to my locker. I get out my lunch and put my backpack back in my locker. Again, when I close it someone is on the other side. This time it is a face I'm always happy to see. It is Clara Banks.

Clara and me have always been in the same circle of friends, but I never really got to know her because I spent most of my time with Rachel. After my break-up with Jason, her and me started to hang out more. I got to know her better and realized that she was the most amazing person on this freaking planet. The rest is, as they say, history.

"Hey there sexy lady, what is up and happening?" she says really happy. I smile my warmest smile at her.

"Nothing much just cursed out the two most disgusting people on this fucking planet," I say rolling my eyes. She laughs at this, knowing exactly who they are.

"Good for you girl, they need to know they are pieces of shit and deserve to rot in hell," she snaps her fingers in a Z formation. I laugh at this and we start to walk together, arm-in-arm, to the lunchroom.

"So where's Ben? I haven't seen him all day." I ask wondering where my other really good friend is.

Ben is another person I got to know really well after I severed ties with Jason and Rachel. Ben is this smart, quirky, 6" 2' guy who looks huge and intimidating, but is actually a teddy bear inside. He could never say no to anyone, especially Clara. Ben is Clara's boyfriend of 2 years.

"Oh Benny is home sick cause he was at a party yesterday and he caught something from someone so he stayed home. He is probably throwing up his guts now," Clara huffs and rolls her eyes.

"Aw. I bet you wanted to see him today," I poke her in her side and grin. She laughs.

"Well yes, but I'm going to see him later, so it's all good. Plus I made him some soup to help his stomach."

I hug her and say, "Aw! When you guys get married your going to be an amazing housewife!" She bonks me on the head.

"Oh hell no. Sweetie, he will be taking care of me," she says matter-of-factly.

I grin at her and for the rest of the way, we talk about other random things that pop into our heads.

When we enter, we go to our special table and sit down.

"I'm going to go get lunch," she says getting up and walking over to the lunch line.

I nod to her and unpack my lunch. My mom had packed me a sub, a chocolate chip cookie, juice box, oranges in a cup, and a blueberry muffin. I start to eat my sub, when I hear a bunch of giggles from across the room. I look up and see my little sister with her little posse. I roll my eyes and hope that she would be too engrossed in whatever she was doing to come over to my table. Unfortunately, one of her little lackeys see me.

"Like oh my gosh, isn't that like your sister Keri babe?" A girl named Serena says in a valley girl style voice, and just makes me want to strangle someone.

Keri looks up from her phone and puts on the 'I'm so fucking hot, I should be a goddess' face and smiles in my direction. Then my worst nightmare comes true. She starts to walk over to my table.

"Well, it seems your table is empty. Not that I am surprised, since you'll never have friends and always be the ugly duckling, but hey let's look at the Brightside, oh wait there is none!" Keri breaks out into laughter and her posse-follows suit at her lame joke. I just rolle my eyes and ignore her because Keri's remarks are so sad, I pity her.

"Oh my god, who invited the ugly sluts to our table?" Clara asks pretending to look absolutely mortified. Everyone turns towards her. She had a full trade of food, and look that said "get the fuck out of my way"

"Um excuse me, I was talking and you were like, being super rude. Now you have to like apologize or I won't like you," my sister says, flips her hair over the shoulder, and puts her hands on her hips, waiting. Clara looks about ready to laugh, but keeps a cool face on.

"Sweetie the only apology your going to get out of me is that I'm sorry you and Akira are related because your nothing compared to Akira," Clara finishes with a satisfied smile.

Keri just looks shocked and cannot even utter a word. I know she wants to say something, but is so pissed off that she storms off, with her little posse following behind. Clara calmly sits down when they leave.

"You know, you didn't have to say that."

"Eh, it was nothing." She starts to eat her sandwich. "Your sister is an annoying brat, who seriously needs to know that she cannot act like a brat because she is insecure about herself. I just told her exactly what I felt about her and if she doesn't like it then she can shove this up her ass." She shows me her middle finger. I give her a small smile and continue to eat my lunch.

We talk for the rest of the period about school, grades, and what kind of universities we want to go to when we graduate. When the period ends we go to our afternoon classes. Those classes also go by in a blur and before I know it, I head home.

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