Divine Cushion

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《'I'm on a mission... I must deliver what the divine Dragon requires. Without the divine Dragon or the rune spheres, the world might as well burn slowly with every nightmare coming to life.'》

"Ugh..." A soft voice groans as she feels a bed of feathers engulfed around her body. "Wow!" She exclaims as a low groan is heard from below her. With no hesitation she leaps from the feathery cushion she had landed on and watched as a Dragon began to rise from where she layed.

"E-excuse me-" before she could even finish her sentence the Dragon erupts with a childish voice.
"You! You just fell on me, ouch! Where, how, and why are you here?!" The Dragon exclaims as the unknown girl looks at the Dragon with wide eyes.

"A...talking.. dragon." She mumbles. "Uh, hello-" once again getting cut off the Dragon glared at the female human.
"I can't believe you fell from such a height and lived... what is your name?" The young girl was confused and at a loss for words. She muddled around in her head and could remember only her name.

"Frey... my name is Frey." She said with confidence as the Dragon let out a small hmph.
"Well Frey, care to explain why you barged into the castle. And used me as a cushion for your landing?" The Dragon asked.

Frey examined the dragon, green scales and multicolored feathers adorning her large wings. The colors being red and blue, tuffs of down poking out here and there. Her magnificent silver claws, curled into fists at the end of her wings.

"I'm sorry, but all I remember is falling. I have no recollection of... anything but my name.." Frey admitted, her voice growing shaky as she looked down at her glove covered hands. 'Where do I come from? Do I have family? Friends?' She thought to herself. The dragon's face softened as she let out a soft sigh.

"Wait, you haven't told me your name." Frey interrupted which made the Dragon erupts once again.
"How dare you interrupt a divine dragon!"
"...a what?" Frey asked. The Dragon grew more and more annoyed by the second.
"A divine Dragon!" She exclaimed, ranting on and on about the divine dragons. Frey tried to keep up, but mostly zoned out as she just smiled and nodded.
"Do you understand now?" The Dragon asked as Frey nodded her head, not understanding a damn thing.

"Great, I am Ventuswill the divine Dragon of wind." She announced before the sounds of thundering footsteps filled the corridor.
"Milady!!!" Shouted an older man with a neat suit. He dashed between Frey and Ventuswill, putting his fists up as he was crouched in a fighting stance.

"Are you alright Milady?! Who is this intruder who dares to game you?!" He continued to shout as Frey simply watched with confusion and mild amusement.
"Uh I'm Frey-"
"Do not worry Volkanon, she is of no threat." Ventuswill told him as Frey felt a twitch of her brow. Her annoyance was slight from all the interrupting amd shouting, but netherless she had no idea what was what or who was who.
"Oh milady! I am sorry-" The older man gasps as his frown turns into a wild smile. "Are you Arthur by any chance?" He asks Frey, pointing a large index finger at her.

'Why the hell- I am Frey. Female.' She thought, but shook her head with a small smile. "No, I'm Frey. And isn't Arthur-"
Ventuswill gasped as well. "She has lost her memory, falling from such a high height. Perhaps she is Prince Arthur, or princess it seems." She spoke in a loud booming voice, quite different from the one she used before.
"Ah yes! A miss communication it seems! Princess Arthur, welcome! We have been expecting you."

Frey stood in silence and utter shock. 'What is wrong with these- I'm not Arthur.'
"I'm sorry but this is definitely a mistake. My name is Frey-"
"You have simply forgotten and made up a new one your highness." Volkanon interrupted.
'If they interrupt me one more time, I will kill.' Frey simply chuckled and smiled.
"Isn't Arthur a boy nam-"
"Your room is ready for you. I'll have Mr.Volkanon to show it to you." Ventuswill boomed as Volkanon bowed.
"This way your highness." He said humbly, and finally not shouting, as Frey let out a sigh and nodded.
"Alright, lead the way." She responded in defeat.

Volkanon was about to lead Frey down the right corridor as a talk bot shrouded in robes walked into the castle lobby. She turned to look at the blonde boy, seemingly her age as everyone went on edge again. The sound of Ventuswill's booming voice bounced off of the walls once again.
"Who are you?" She asked.
The make bowed low, his precisely and clean cut hair bowing down with him. "Prince Arthur, I had sent a letter in advance to tell you of my arrival. Have you not received it?" He asked as Ventuswill gasped loudly and turned to glare at Frey. Volkanon immediately dashed away from Frey in alarm.
"I am sorry Prince Arthur, but this person had waltzed on in and pretended to be you." Ventuswill boomed as Frey's eyes grew wide.
"Excuse me?! You were the one who wouldn't liste-"
"Do not yell at miss Ventuswill!" Volkanon interrupted in his loud and obnoxious voice.
Arthur let out a slight hum and looked over at Frey. They made eye contact as he walked over to the Arthur and looked down at the female. Frey didn't break eye contact as Arthur chuckled. "So my room is taken by her?" He asked, looking back up at Ventuswill.
"I am afraid so, but I'll- "
"No need, I will find a place to stay elsewhere." Volkanon tried to object but Arthur but a hand up and shook his head, making sure the other was to not speak.
"I see something in her eyes, and feel she could do my job for me. Take care of the town in my stead." Arthur turned to Frey, a small smile as Ventuswill and Volkanon both stammered in the background.

"Could you please take my place. Just for taking care of the town, I just have so many things to do." He said with a sigh as Frey stared at the make wide eyed. 'Why the heck- who does he think he is- well he's a Prince, but still. Wait, I can't defy the prince.' She thought as she nodded her head.

"If you really believe I'm capable of doing so... then I oblige." Frey said as Arthur smiled widely and pushed up his glasses.
"Why thank the heavens. Now I will be off." He said as Volkanon ran after the Prince in distress.
Ventuswill let out a sigh as Frey turned to her with furrowed brows.
"What was that?! I never said I was Arthur, you all just pushed that onto me! A person suffering from memory loss!" Frey yelled as Ventuswill flapped her wings and snarled.
"Well I couldn't make it seem like I made a mistake! I have a reputation to uphold!" She yelled in return, her voice still booming.
"Oh stop with the low voice, I already heard your voice from before." Frey said as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.
Ventuswill huffed for the thousandth time as Frey started to burst out in laughter.
"God, this is weird. I just fell on your back and lost my memory."
Ventuswill scoffed as she flapped her wings wildly.
"How is that funny?!" She exclaimed as Frey busted up laughing once again as she clutched her stomach.

"Frey!" A voice called in the middle of the night as Frey groggily sat up in her bed. 'Wow, did I just have a flashback dream?' She thought as Venti continued to call for the female human. "I'm coming!" She replied as she stretched out and walked to the lobby to assist her, now very close, friend.

Hello! This first chapter is just like an introduction, so sorry if it isn't "interesting" enough. But it will get better, I promise! I have a lot planned for this book, mwahahaha.

And I had some cheering on from my good friend, so please enjoy!

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