The Accident

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-you then wake up in a hospital?

"W-what where a-" You were then cut off by a young looking man about ur age

"OMG BABY YOUR AWAKE" The man yelled

The word baby played in your head multiple times

"Who are you?.. "

"It's me Jimin... "  He said in a soft voice

You thought to yourself

"Jimin I don't know anyone by the name of Jimin"

As you starred at the guy trying to remember him you noticed another figure at the corner of your eye he was crying?..

"H-hello?" You said looking at the guy

No response

"Hey look at me" The jimin guy said he sounded a little mad

You didn't look at him you looked at your now broken leg

"What happened?.."

"You were in a car accident" Jimin said

"Oh.. "

More thought ran through your head as a doctor walk inside and started talking to both of the them

A smile appeared on Jimins face but why what happened?

"Hey baby you can go home in at least 3 days" He grabbed your hand but you quickly pulled away

"Umm okay.. " You tried not to cry not knowing what your own house looked like

"So where's my parents"

He looked down

"Um they died remember almost 2 years ago" He said


a tear rolled down your cheek

"It will be okay I'm here" He smiled

You didn't respond instead you just looked a the blonde haired guy

Hi I don't really know what to say so YEET ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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