Prologue - Log Introduction

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           Static. "Is this stupid thing on?" Camera shuffling. "Okay, think it's good. Um, hello to whoever is watching, this is Astronaut Tucker reporting. Log 5, Day 36. If I was still on Earth, it would probably be around midnight, estimating. My time in space has changed my sleeping patterns, although I can't say I slept well back home either, heh."

         "Well uh, there have been no new signs of alien life since my last log, actually, I've seen none since I've come out here." Sigh. "I hope this wasn't a complete waste of my time. I might day out here, who knows. Kind of hoping to see something cool before death. Although, it wouldn't matter. Even if I did see something cool, there'd be no one to tell"

        "Even so, I have seen some pretty amazing sights. We just passed another asteroid shower, the third one since we departed from Earth. I will admit, it gets kind of lonely out here. Sure, I've got Token and everything, but it gets boring and repetitive after talking to the same person for, what, 5 years now? Could be worse. I could be stuck with Clyde for 5 years, oh god no."

        "I do miss Earth though, I miss all the people I might never get to see again. My friends. My family. Even if I said goodbye, guess I never realized it might be the last things I'll ever say to them. Either way, I have a mission to fulfill, even if our course is jacked up. Our job is to find any signs of alien life. Hopefully, I'll have more to say by the next log. This is Astronaut Craig Tucker, signing out." Static.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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