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"I feel so unsure,"

They met in a disco club located on the corner of Riverside and Kingston Street. The rinky-dinky version of a night club fit the atmosphere of the small town they resided in; Jubilee. The club was adequate in the sense that it served alcohol and had average music. The blinding colors of the lights spun around the room, illuminating every surface in its reach.

    Kim Taehyung sat in a maroon-colored barstool at the very end of the bar, ever so diligently nursing his glass of soju. He had been bored out of his mind for the past hour he'd been there, no one person or thing catching his eye. Until the door to the club opened and in walked her; Jung Eun-bi.

  She was wearing a dress of black velvet that hugged her form to her knees. Black heels, not too high or low, were placed upon her feet, and a black clutch was under her arm. Her petite body walked with grace across the room, to where her friends were residing in the corner booth. Taehyung couldn't take his eyes off her. From the simple twist of her hair around her finger to the tap of her foot, every move she made was: inviting, enticing, alluring. Taehyung could write a book about all the words that described her.

  Then she rose. Taehyungs brows furrowed as his eyes followed her in confusion. Her feet glided across the floor until she arrived at her destination. The dance floor. It was the first swaying of her hips that caught his attention. Then the rise of her delicate arms above her head. the way she lost her self in the music made something in Taehyungs heart stir that he hadn't felt for the longest time.

   It seemed her little performance caught not just the eyes of himself, but others seated at the bar. Older men placed their stares upon her with intent of lusting for her; this disgusted Taehyung to his core.

  The song eventually ended,  and just like that she left the floor,  making her way back to the booth. He could see her breathing raggedly; an effect from her dancing. Taehyung removed his eyes from her and turned, staring back at the counter.

  He refused to look back at her for the rest of the night. Thus, ending their first "encounter" and her one of many nights she would find herself in the club.


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