Well maybe they wont find out

Start from the beginning

Wow they look like an actual competing team

This thought had thrown you off because the sandlot was all about having fun and making memories. They were actually serious about being the best to everyone else they were only concerned about being the best for themselves.
Once everyone warmed up and got into a huddle you awkwardly stood there not knowing your place yet with the team.

"Guys this is (y/n), she's gonna hang out with us today." Zach said proudly showing you off.
You wave shyly to the team and speak up finally.

"Yeah, I cant wait to play with you guys. Everyone seems so good" you say trying to make a positive relationship with the guys.
"Wait she's ... playing with us?" One of the kids said in the group. A lot of muddering was going around as you stood there frozen by their words.
"I thought you said she was just gonna sit around by the bleachers and watch" another said
"Ummm no I actually pitch... I thought you told them?" You said to the group and then Zach.
"Yeah.. well.. um, she will be playing. She's actually pretty good guys." Zach had said quietly.
You were completely confused on what was happening. Zach made it seem like the team would be happy to have you. And was proud to actually have you come to his practice.
I'm not a cheerleader! Never have been never will be!  Why is everyone acting like this?
This situation made you miss the sandlot more than you already have. Realizing that you weren't here for the reason you thought you were you went and sat down on the bleachers.
"(Y/n)! Come onnnn the guys aren't serious, they just... forgot."
"Forgot?" You said a little harsh
"Yeah they naturally thought you'd be siting here like my other-" he stopped. Eyes extremely wide now.
"Your other what ? Other girlfriends? Oh I'm sorry I forgot my pom poms at home. Want me to go get them?" You said angry as hell
"No.. I uh I didn't mean to -" he said stumbling over what he's saying
"Oh you didn't mean to compare me to your other girlfriends? How many girls have you brought here exactly? 3,4,5? Cassie was one right?" At this point you probably look crazy in front of his team but you didn't care. All you wanted was to play baseball with your boyfriend and his friends. And that obviously wasn't the plan. Zach just stood there in silence for a second trying to figure out a way to make this better.
"(Y/n)... you can play I promise. The guys just weren't expecting you to be so... enthusiastic about the game... I just don't think you'll be able to pitch for us.. the guys are pretty serious so you'll have to play outfield probably." Zach said trying to make this situation better. Honestly it did a little.. but if you wanted to play outfield you'd go back to the sandlot and take small's position. And that's exactly what you told him.
"Zach. If I wanted to play outfield I'd do it at  the sandlot and take smalls position. Actually Benny would have let me pitch." You said slightly smiling at the memories you have with your sandlot boys. But Zach didn't look like he was taking that comment well at all.
"Oh so that's what it's about? Benny? So Benny's let you pitch and now you think you can just start off pitching because of that loser?" Oh he's pissed. Probably more pissed than you were
"No? That's not what I meant." You said trying to get him to understand that Benny wasn't the reason you thought you'd be pitching today.
"Oh really because first you bring up Cassie, then you bring up how oh Benny would let me pitch" he said mocking you
You stood there in silence just as he did a few moments ago.
"Those dorks are nothing compared to my team. They're trash (y/n) ! Why can't you see that those dweebs will always be losers! They're not going anywhere!" Zach said screaming
"Zach that's enough !! You can be mad at me all you want but they have passion like I've never seen! They're amazing and accepting." You said putting your foot down.
"What makes you soft for them huh (y/n)? What do you like one of them? Which one huh? Yeah-yeah? Smalls? Ham? Benny?"
You fall silent once again you literally cant seem to speak if you tried.
"You like him don't you ?" He said mad
"You like Benny don't you?" Making himself more clearer on who he was referring to.
But again you couldn't say anything. The logical thing was to say no but you couldn't bring yourself to actually say it.
"That's it! I'm going over there to beat that punks ass!" He said running over to his bike.
What do I do? Do I follow him? Tell him to stop and not go over there? I don't want him to know I didn't tell them about me coming here. And most importantly I don't want them knowing I'm here. I should've just said no god (y/n) you're such an idiot.
You said to yourself knowing that this was gonna end bad no matter what.
You decided to stay at the empty field knowing that if you went you were only gonna make it worse. You didn't want to see the two boys you cared about most fight.
Should I wait for Zach to come back ? What if he doesn't want to speak to me again? Does this mean it's over between you two?
After 10 minuets of waiting and praying that somehow by a miracle Zach was just gonna turn around and come back and realize that he doesn't need to go after Benny or the rest of the boys. But you left, you went home, I mean what could you do ? You can't stop what's happening . The suspense was killing you from not knowing what is going down at the field. Hopefully yeah-yeah won't be mad at you and he can tell you what happened. So when you go home you went to your room, completely ignoring your dads questioning on how your day went and looked out your window for someone. Hopefully soon.

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