"Quiet on the set!" Mason called walking away from Finn and moving behind a camera.

Finn stood and took off the robe he had been wearing, revealing his beautiful chest and arms, and Lily heard Petra sigh behind her.

Then Finn walked around the side of the bed, and she heard a few audible gasps from those closest to her. She prayed Finn hadn't heard them. He was wearing a prosthetic that looked like a blade instead of the one he usually wore, and other than that he only had on a pair of low hanging athletic shorts. It was a dramatic visual and no way it could be fake to those seeing it. He was a man in his prime, despite his injury.

"Damn, did you know about that?" Petra whispered in her ear. "Somehow it makes him look even hotter, explain that one to me?" Petra giggled.

Lily nodded, unable to speak. She was willing Finn to look at her so she could offer him support, but he wouldn't. She watched his muscles flex as he lowered himself onto the bed and bunched a pillow up under him. Part of her wondered if that was how he really slept, holding a pillow. She wanted to yell at him that he didn't need a pillow he could hold her.

As if he had heard her thought, Finn looked over at her and their eyes briefly met before Mason called 'action' and he closed his eyes.

The scene was a short one. Desmond awakened blinking at the light coming in from the window behind him, then he sat up and rubbed his face, looking around as if trying to figure out where he was, then he stood and walked across the set to a mirror that hung above the sink. Even though it was a short scene, there were a lot of emotions playing across his face as he turned on the water and splashed himself.

Lily was hypnotized by the play of muscles across his back.

She knew that once the music was added and Mason did all of his fancy camera work the scene would be very moving and dramatic, but for Lily, it felt as if she was seeing the real Finn for the first time. He was letting his demons and fears show, and Lily had a feeling it was for her benefit.

Mason called cut and walked back toward Finn to give him notes.

"What was that look he gave you?" Petra asked, turning to Lily with shock on her face.

Lily shrugged. "He was probably telling me that this is all my fault since I was the one to convince him to do it."

"You did?" Petra looked at her wide-eyed. "Did I miss something, did something happen between you two?" she asked. "The scene in the night club was off the charts sexy."

Lily shook her head. "No, but I found out about his leg, and Mason said he needed a hook for next season, so I kind of guilted him into it by telling him he could help others if he chose to wear it proudly." Lily watched Finn lay down again and suddenly need to be away from him and the scene, so she turned and left. Petra didn't follow.

Lily returned to her dressing room. She didn't think about anything. She stared vacantly into her mirror, not seeing anything either. When there was a knock on her door and she was called to set, she had the thought that this was it, she was going to get her kiss. She didn't think she could do it, not like this.

She made it to the set and Finn and Tom were already there. Mason went over a few notes with them all while neither Finn nor Lily would look at each other. Lily felt as if she was having an out of body experience as she sat herself down at the table across from Tom. She was an actress she could do this.

Mason called 'action', and the music started, people were talking, Tom leaned forward, delivering his line, and Lily laughed. Then she felt Finn's hand on her arm, pulling her from her seat.

"You'll excuse us, won't you?" Finn asked full of anger just as Desmond would be.

He dragged her out onto the dance floor and the song Lily had suggested, In the Still of the Night, started playing as Finn pulled her close and started dancing with her. His gaze was piercing as he watched her face, but she refused to look at him.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"Brooke, your secretary. You hired me, remember?" She finally looked up at him, confused.

Their eyes met, and Lily was lost as he looked into her very soul, and she couldn't help the jagged breath she took.

He placed his hand behind her head, burying it in her hair, it was almost painful, at least that was the reason she told herself as to why there were tears in her eyes.

"You're someone from my past, someone who has come to weaken my defenses, make me vulnerable," he insisted.

"Only that which we love can make us vulnerable," she whispered, meaning what she said even though they weren't her words.

He started to lower his head towards hers, and Lily looked down, blocking him with the top of her head, unable to fight the tears any longer. "I can't, I just can't, not like this," her voice was hoarse with emotion. "Please, don't," she begged, looking back up at him.

His eyes narrowed as he studied her, then he pushed her away. "I'm not him. I'm not who you think I am." It was totally off-script and completely personal.

"Perhaps I'm not who you think I am?" she returned.

They stared at each other for a moment more before he turned and left. Lily wrapped her arms around her waist and stood alone in the center of the bar while everyone around her kept going on with the scene.

Mason called cut after what felt like forever.

"That was perfect, it's a wrap!" he called, and Lily looked over at him, amazed that he was willing only to do one take.

No one else seemed to care as they all cheered and clapped while someone brought out champagne and cake. Lily wanted none of it though, and she snuck out the back, heading quickly to her dressing room. When she arrived there, Finn was waiting for her.

She closed the door behind her without saying a word, watching him.

"How are you?" he finally asked, turning towards her.

"I'm fine," she said, sitting in her chair.

"You stayed with Penny and Sam last night?"

"Yes, I'm going away at the end of the week." She told him. She was disappointed when he didn't ask where. "How are you?" she asked, returning the favor. "That couldn't have been easy for you?"

"I'm fine. I think it bothered you more than me," Finn said with a gentle smile.

She smiled back. "I think you're right. I guess that comes with loving someone. You worry that they might be hurt." She turned her back to him. There she had said the words. He had told her he loved her, and now she had told him that she loved him. There was no miscommunication about it.

"Have a safe trip," he said, then she heard the door close slowly behind her.

She closed her eyes. She would not cry!

"Hey!" Petra said as she entered her dressing room. "What were you and Finn talking about?" She winked as she fell into the sofa behind her. "That scene between you two was intense."

"He was telling me to have a safe trip." There that should get Petra off the scent. She didn't want her asking a lot of questions about Finn. Lily gave the biggest grin she had ever given, and it almost split her face in two it hurt so much.

"Where are you going?" Petra asked, sitting up and looking at her friend.

"Elias Emory offered me a recording contract!" Lily squealed as if her heart wasn't breaking.

Petra squealed with her, and the rest of the afternoon was covered.

There was no more talk of Finn.

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