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You were washing dishes while Sam was in the other room you reached in the sink and felt a sharp pain on your hand. Pulling your hand out you noticed a pretty deep cut "Sammy"

"Yeah Darlin'?"

"I accidentally cut my hand, I think I need to go to the hospital. Can you drive me?" You immediately heard running footsteps towards the kitchen, Sam always overreacts any time someone gets hurt. He makes you think the injury is way worse than it actually is.

"Oh my god baby, hold your hand above your head. Let me go get a shirt and shoes, I'll grab your shoes and some sweats, you sit at the table" He said looking at you with so much worry

"Sam, why are you looking at me like that? There's not even that much blood! It's just a little deep." you said giggling forgetting about the sting pain in your hands.

"Babe please just keep your hand above your heart" he said while running out of the room you shook your head moving your hand above your head applying pressure to the cut. Sammy comes back in out of breath with sweats in his hand "Stand up baby, and step into these" he pulls the sweats up your leg "Let's go, baby," he said giving you a quick kiss. You guys sit and the car as Sammy takes off like a bat out of hell. "Sam I'm fine, will you drive normally, please"

"Babe you are legit bleeding out of your hand and need stitches, Your not fine, How did you cut it anyway"

"There was a knife in the sink I didn't see it and don't remember putting in there either" you looked at Sam and the color drained out of his face "Oh no baby, don't hate me, I may have put it in there" he said meekly

"You're a dumbass Sammy, don't put extremely sharp knives in a sink without telling me, dork." you said with a giggle to lighten the mood because you knew Sammy was already beating himself up you guys were stopped at a red light. He turned and looked at you with a half-smile and sad eyes "Sam Baby, I'm fine I will only need like 5 stitches, that will probably be the worst part" he grabbed your free hand brought it to his mouth and kissed it as the light turned green. He pulled in the parking lot walking fast into the emergency room. He made eye contact with the nurse at the front desk "Hey, she cut her hand, and is bleeding a lot..." Sam started to trail off until you stopped him "Sam babe will you calm down" you giggled making eye contact with the nurse "I just cut my hand and probably need stitches, if you would excuse this dork he is the worst when people get injured" she smiled brightly at us and nodded she handed Sam a clipboard to feel out you info "is he coming back with you" you answered so quickly that they both stopped in looked at you "I am pretty bad when it comes to stitches" you laughed nervously. The nurse assured you, you would be fine and took you back to the room to wait for the doctor. Sam filled out the paperwork when there was a knock on the door the doctor entered the room, inspecting your injury.

"Okay Mrs.y/l/n it looks like you'll need about 10 or so stitches, I'll be right back with the supplies." Your face turned pale you weren't expecting so many "Hey baby you will be fine, I'm right here" Sam said placing a kiss to you cheek there was another knock on the door the doctor came in and was preparing to begin the stitches "The important thing is to keep really still" you nodded "Alright relax your hand and will get started" you grabbed sam's hand and squeezed waiting for him to start sam giggled at your reaction as you winced when the doctor inserted the needle. "Stop laughing at me Sam, what happened to the overly concerned dork from earlier" you looked at the doctor and he was smiling as he worked "You're just such a little weakling, it's too cute"

"It hurts, dork" the doctor giggled a little

"You know Sam the hand is one of the most painful places to get stiches" the doctor said matter of factly "Yeah Sam" you said sticking your tongue out at Sam the doctor was still smiling at the young love that sat in front when he stopped "Why are you stopping is there something wrong" Sam said letting the worry take over again

"Nope, we're all done. You sat like a champ" he looked at me then towards sam "and you were a good distracting" he said with a laugh "I'll get the nurse to show you how to dress the wound, Oh and Sam you should pay attention it will probably be best if someone else changes the dressing"

Sam nodded and you smiled at the love of your life while he listened intently to the doctor then the nurse once they were done and you were ready sam finished filling out your paperwork as you walked out to the car you stopped "Hey Sam" he stopped and looked at you "Yeah darling" he said looking at you "I love you so much"

"I love you too, darling" he said wrapping his arms around you pulling you in for a kiss, you broke the kiss "Sammy did you learn anything tonight?" you asked with a giggle "That I'm a dumbass, and to not put knives in the sink" he smiled and you laughed "you may be a dumbass, but it makes life exciting, wouldn't have it any other way" he smiled at you

"Did I already tell you how much I love you?" you questioned

"Yeah Baby, you told me, how about we go home so I can show you how much I love my little weakling" he teased, you both laughed getting in the car.

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