Chapter XXIX: Find Me

Start from the beginning

She didn't reply, and I said, "You just left me. All you gave me was that note."

She didn't reply again, and I choked out, "Was it really that hard? What did I do now?"

"You didn't do anything," She whispered. "I did it."

"Haven," I whispered.

"I did it," She repeated louder. "If anyone is truly a fuck up, it's me Cason."

"You are not the fuck up."

"Yes, I am."

"How could you be?"

"Every break in our relationship is my fault."

"I engineered those break ups."

"But, I walked away."

"Every time, I made you walk away."

"But I didn't have to walk away! I could have stayed!" She raised her voice.

I knew I wasn't going to get through to her on that, so I shot off, "What about Andrew? Were you going to tell me about him coming back? Were you going to tell me about what he tried to do?"

"No because I want it to go away."

"It can't just go away. He tried to hurt you, Haven. He tried to rape you!" My voice began to raise.

"Just let it go!"

"It's not going away!"

"Yes, it will! You have got to let it die!"

"I can't just let it die, Haven! What he did and tried to do are fucking horrible things!"

"This is why I didn't tell you!"

"I wish you would have told me."

"I didn't want you to know."

"Why didn't you want me to know?"

"Because you're pissed now, and you want to hurt him! I can't let you hurt him and go to jail no matter how much he deserves it!"

"Even though he hurt you?!" We were close to full-on yelling.

"That's not an excuse to go to jail!"

"It is a perfect reason to go to jail!"

Her eyes blazed with the fire that I loved so unbelievably much, and she snapped, "I don't want you to go to jail. I couldn't stand it if you went to jail."

"I would go to jail if it meant dragging that asshole with me."

She stayed silent and I dropped my voice into a soft tone as I said, "Getting revenge for him murdering an innocent fetus is a good reason to go to jail. Two fetuses is an even better reason to go to jail."

She didn't say anything, her face going pale. I walked forward slightly until I was standing in front of her. I placed my right hand on her lower torso and whispered, "Were you going to tell me?"

I heard her take a deep breath and when she tried to respond, it was only a sob that passed her lips.

I looked up at her and placed my left hand on the side of her face while keeping my right hand on her torso. When she tried to speak again, it only came out as another sob.

I gathered her gently in my arms and she began to cry hard. I felt her whole entire body shake underneath me as she fell to pieces in my arms. I bit my bottom lip as I tried not to break down myself. I felt her legs start to buckle so I reached down and picked her up bridal style.

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