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I was looking in the mirror then I noticed

"I have pimples"
"I have big eyebags"
"Sloppy hair"
"I have fats"
"I eat a lot"
"I laugh hard"

Society can be ugly, judgement can be thrown to you like your a trashcan, there's always this saying that "if your not pretty, your not loved", people aren't perfect, so why do we drug our own kind down?, you can say that it's pathetic, stupid, an human, but you could never say that you didn't do the same, you also judge other persons, you might not realize it or you might not even say it out loud but it can be heard by just how you can treat a person, as for myself I do the same, I can't deny that, after all I have my own insecurities, we all do, but that's just what makes us who we are, others can and will drag you down but just remember that you always have your own choice either be drug down or be the change to stop this madness, be that kind of person who will put their chin up, who will at times get hurt by words but will still manage to get up, be one of those people who thinks of themselves as if they're enough, be a small light in this world full of darkness

"After all you may not be perfect, but you can be real"

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