Chapter 1: Unidentified Flying Object.

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"Liz, you ready?" asked my boyfriend, Rob.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, grabbing my bag. "Where are you taking me anyways?"

"My dad's house. He's been dying to meet you," said Rob.

Oh yeah. His dad's house is in the middle of nowhere. I sighed and walked over to his rusty old car.

We drove for a very long time; I thought I was going to get carsick. We finally reached civilization, a small shack that didn't have neighbors for miles. I got out of the car, and walked over to the rundown house.

"Why can't you buy your dad a decent house, Rob?"

He smirked, and put his arm around me. I rang the doorbell, and shortly a middle-aged man opened the door.

"ROBBY! SON! ELIZABETH! Welcome welcome welcome!" he exclaimed. He seemed a lot more exited than I was to see him.

He sat us down, brought us some sodas, and turned on the TV so we could watch a football game. I wondered how he could afford a TV with the kind of house he had. I wasn't too interested in the game, so I looked around the room. Pictures. There were a lot.

"TOUCHDOWN!!!!!" shouted Rob.

I nearly jumped. All of a sudden, we heard a huge thud. I grabbed Rob's hand.

"What was that?" I asked Rob's dad.

"I have no idea. I haven't felt a thud like that the 10 years I've lived here."

Curious, I went outside, and saw a large cloud of dust in the distance. A huge beam of light emerged from the sky, and then disappeared. I ran to the car, and Rob drove us to the area where the thud came from. To my surprise, I saw a pale man. He looked to be human, but he was very pale. It was unreal. He had long black hair that was pulled back. He seemed to be unconscious. I got out of the car and observed the man. I kind of kicked him to see if he was actually real. He turned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Earth......" he mumbled.

I was startled. Why did he mumble Earth? What did he expect this place was?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm....I'm Loki....I come from Asgard," he answered.

I was even more surprised. What was Asgard? And more importantly, how and why did he come here?

I helped him up and helped him into the car. "Rob, we need to take him back to my apartment."

"Liz, I don't trust this guy."

"Please Rob. Please. He's helpless."

Rob sighed, and unlocked the car door. I placed Loki in the backseat, and got in the front. We waved bye to Rob's dad, and headed back to my apartment in the city.

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