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Elijah's POV

Its been a few weeks since I helped Leo and Reira with their final exam for Social Studies. I've been helping Reira with her Math finals since she said those were the last of her exams. She really wasn't kidding when she said Math wasn't her strong suit but she makes ends meet and I tried my best to teach her what she has to know for her exams.

It was the week before we graduated and since all my classes were AP, I finished all my exams last week meaning I was basically done with all my exams. The teachers still gave us work to do, but all in all, we had a bit of free time.

It's Lunch period now and I'm spending it in the Engineering room with Mr. Reid. He's been helping me with this idea I've had in mind for a while and even suggested some ideas to go into the project.

"You mentioned that you want the android to have an AI system correct, Elijah?" Mr. Reid asked.

I nodded, "Yes, though they are androids and will be used to serve and help us in our daily lives, I want them to understand us. I want them to be obedient but also efficient."

Mr. Reid stared at me, his facial expression...shocked.

"Sounds really complex, doesn't it?" I asked, sounding worried over the concept of my idea.

Mr. Reid blinked and quietly shook his head, "No, no, quite the opposite. I'm just speechless over the amount of detail you thought this over, but, aren't you worried about the stereotypical idea when it comes to androids having a mind of their own?" He asked.

"About robots ruling over humans and taking over the world?"

He nodded.

"...If my idea becomes a reality and something like that happens...then I'll see it as a mistake that I learned from and know how to fix to prevent the accident from happening again."

Mr. Reid just smiled and patted my shoulder, "I'm positive that your idea will be a reality. I also believe that it will help millions of people."

I nodded, believing that this could help millions of people.



The school bell rang and that signaled the end of school. Leo and I had the same last class so when we finished packing, we started walking outside the school.

"Can you believe dude? Just a few more days and we'll be graduating. Seems like only yesterday we started freshman year," Leo said.

I laughed, remembering how excited he was on our first day of freshman year.

"So much has happened in these four years, both good and bad, but all in all I enjoyed these four years," I said thinking back on the events that have happened.

Leo then patted my arm, knowing what I was talking about, "You've been through a lot, but don't worry man. You've changed a lot after John and Matthew left, you got more...confident. Plus I've heard you're still going to the gym on weekends to stay in shape. Trying to impress a certain someone, hmmm." he said, raising his eyebrows.

I punched his shoulder, but he dodged before making contact. He laughed seeing my pouting face.

When we finally made it out of the school, we saw Aliyah and Reira together. They were hopping up and down, looking super excited about something. Once we got closer to them they noticed us.

"Hey Leo, hey Elijah," Aliyah said as she hugged Leo.

"You two seem excited. What happened?" Leo asked, hugging Aliyah back.

"My dad texted me saying that I received a letter from Silverwood," Reira said, her smile getting brighter and brighter, excitement almost ready to explode.

"That great Ray! I hope it's your acceptance letter." Leo said hugging Reira.

Reira hugged back, her smile glued on her face.

"I'm gonna go home right now. I really wanna know if I got in."

"Tell us in the group chat once you find out," Aliyah said.

Reira nodded, waving goodbye and started running home.

"I really hope she got accepted," Aliyah said as she started walking along with me and Leo.

Leo and I agreed, hoping the best for Reira. We soon parted ways and I walked back to my house. Upon entering my home, my phone made a noise indicating someone sent a message in the chat. I went into the living room, sitting down on the couch while taking my phone out of my pocket. When I unlocked it, I saw it was Ashlee and Aliyah talking.

Omigod the suspense is killing me

Same, but we gotta wait and see what she says.

You guys seem excited

Of course we are! She's the last one in the group that hasn't got her acceptance letter yet. Plus this is her dream school. HER #1 CHOICE!

So yeah we're pretty ecstatic

I'll keep my fingers crossed for her then.

You better! She needs all the luck and miracle the world can offer.

Seems like you're the most excited out of all of us

He probably wants to have a celebration party.

Oh! We should totally have one, for all of us.

Like a combined graduation party for all five of us?

That's an even better idea!

Maybe we can even rent out a venue since it'll be way more people.

I'm starting to like this plan but we gotta put a hold on it first

Yeah, let's hold off on planning until we hear from Reira first



An hour went by since we lasted messaged each other. I was cleaning my dishes from dinner when my phone notified me of a message. I dried my hands and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Reira sent a message to the group chat. I quickly opened my to see what she said. When the message pulled up, I was devastated.

Sorry guys.

His Sunshine (Elijah Kamski x OC)Where stories live. Discover now