Candle of inner emotions spell

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Hey, long time no updates! I made this spell myself and I also tested it numerous of times, I hope you like.

What you need:
1 candle of your choice
A lighter
A quiet area with no distractions

First put the candle in front of you and meditate on your energy, imagine your subconscious thoughts and feelings being sent into the candle. (I highly recommend to do this for at least 15 minutes to get a better outcome)
Once you have completed mediating, light your candle and take deep breaths. Rub your hands together a few times while chanting 3-5x

"I ask of thee universe and spirits above to guide my true feelings and emotions, and to let them come forth at the hands of this flame, so mote it be"

Once chanted slowly put your hands around the flame of your candle, you can cup your hands around the flame or even just carefully outline it (I myself outlined the flames) watch carefully at what the flames do and pay close attention.

Here are some signs:

🕯if the candle flame slowly dies down or withers completely, it means that maybe your suffering from traumatic events, including, heartbreak, loss, anxiety, stress, depression etc, or maybe even there is something on your mind that is deeply bothering you, or perhaps you feel misunderstood. Either way you need to remember that everything is going to be just fine.

🕯if the candle flame slowly dies down or withers yet slowly comes back up with a bright glow, that means that dark times are ahead or you have faced multiple challenges, but there will always be light and positivity in all situations and events to come, don't let yourself become vulnerable to these types of situations.

🕯if the candle flame stayed small and didn't move much this could indicate that your pretty neutral right now, not that much is on your mind, your relaxed and calm. Maybe a current event has left you feeling... Bored. Another indication could be your subconscious mind is clear (if you use subliminals nows your chance to listen to your playlist 😂)

🕯if the Candle flame stayed medium height but flickered a lot this could mean that something is on your mind, consciously or subconsciously.  Do you feel like you have forgotten something? Has someone said something to make you question a situation? Or are you just over thinking it?

🕯if the candle flame grew higher and bent in a strange direction perhaps your intentions aren't that pure, have you been feeling jealous lately? Has someone been setting you off at all? Do you intend to do something that may have negative consequences? If so you need to find another alternative in a more positive way.

🕯if the candle flame grew high and flickered extremely fast that is a big indication that there is a serious situation going on, whether you are aware of it or not! Has someone done wrong by you? Could this be all your bottled up anger? Or even sorrow? Has revenge been on your mind lately? If so perhaps you should take some time to yourself whether if it's solitude or catching up with some friends or family, zen out and release all this negativity.

🕯if the candle flame would change height every so often and flicker fast then slow or bend weirdly all at once this means you are mixed emotions and thoughts, Soooo much is on your mind your mixed between all of the others listed. This could be consciously or subconsciously, (most likely subconsciously) you need to figure out the best solutions with dealing with whatever is happening right now! And remember that everything will work out just fine in the end.


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