"What is this place?" Daniel seemed like he didn't want to touch anything, or even step on the porch. He had his arms crossed around him chest, he looked hopeless and abandoned... I didn't like the way he looked at the place.

"I'm just gonna look at the inside then we can head back." An urge inside me wanted him to top looking so away from the world. The sound of heading back made him smile a bit, but quickly hide it. I smile at him before turning around ad waling inside the house.

The door creaked and squealed when I entered. I had expected it to be dark inside with sunlight radiating in on the old dusty furniture except when I walked through the rooms seemed to change. Everything was clean and up to date. There was no mold or dust, it was actually beautiful. I walked in further and heard a tea pot scream, I jumped.

"I got it!" A female voice shrilled through the house. Stomping echoed through the hallways, but everything was so quiet compared to the crashing sound outside. My nape stood up when I heard streaks from children outside.

Without even a second though I was running outside. As soon as I opened the door I heard a whisper.

"Automatic response, I think he's ready." It was the same women but a different attitude from before. Like a fog, the whole picture misted away in front of me. The whisper did not disappear until it said one last thing. "Ask Renney about the story."


Daniel and I had arrived quickly at my house, and to be completely honest I'm kind of embarrassed to let Daniel stay here for a couple of days. I don't know why Daniel had agreed so quickly to come to my house out of the blue in the first place. We're going to be staying here around half a week, just so I can clear my head from all the freaky stuff that as been happening.

"Are you gong to ring the bell?" Daniel had asked me this but honestly I didn't know the answer. Our doorbell had a distinct sound. It wasn't a simple ding-dong like other people, it was a gong that went off through the whole house. That isn't even the most embarrassing part of it all. It was the fact that after the gong rung, everyone would have to holler: "Hic!" which is basically Latin for "Here!"

"Yes I'll ring it. Just-" I pause for a second, hesitating to finish my sentence. I take a second to build up all the courage inside of me as I press the button.

Just as suspected a pound gong echoed out of the house and three different voices yelled "Hic!" I turn to Daniel and he had his hand over his mouth, muffling a laugh.

"Go ahead. Say something." I hide my smile at his amusement.

"A gong?" He yelped in a questionable surprise.

"Yep. A fucking gong." I find it soothing seeing him laugh, his cheeks were a light pink his eyes were slightly squinted. It's different from the last time I had seen him laugh. His last laugh was unsure and bashful, this one seemed safe and completely open to everything. Is he growing comfortable around me?

The door clicked open and my family did exactly as suspected. Totally predictable. I smile as my mom asked questions and my dad sat listening. Grandma Ray kept looking between Daniel and I, looking as if she were trying to figure things out.

"Ask Renney about the story." Her voice brought my mood to a slump as I looked at Renney, Grandma Ray.

"Grandma Ray? May I ask you about the story?" I put a lot of power in the word "the" only because I wanted her to know which I was talking about. As soon as the words left my mouth the room went silent.

"Jessy, boy, maybe later. Right now me have guests. Don't be rude and help me off this couch!" Her voice was old sounding, like I remember, and her attitude was only getting worst as she got older. Her saying is "I'm over 70 I can say whatever the hell I want." Which I don't blame. I hurried to help her up so she could grab her cane.


My dad had always been a fairly handsome guy with his chiseled chin, perfectly silky hair, and the best smile. I suppose I stole some of his amazing qualities. My mom has always been gorgeous in my eyes from her wavy brown locks to her painted petite feet. I believe I got her best qualities as well.

I don't understand beauty. I mean many pretty women have flirted with me but they never showed personality or any different feature from the last chick. I'm fairly "hot" and I know it, but why would I flaunt it? Daniel is a "hot" guy as well and he does show it off. I don't understand why he flatters himself in doing that. I'm not going to complain about his featured, I mean he's body is slightly muscular but not body builder which is a perfect mixture. Daniels shoulders are in perfect proportion of his torso, and his face is just-

A knock on the door knocked me out of my thoughts. Daniel has been shirtless, looking in the mirror for about a solid ten minutes and my room has a prefect angle to see the bathroom. The knock had startled me until I realized it was only Grandma Ray.

"Who told you about the story?" She seemed aggressive and scared.


The next chapter I will try and make longer. There should be a few typos in this chapter because I had used my phone instead of my laptop. I currently got my nails done with my sister and can not type on the keys for the life of me. Once they come off you guys will get your edited goodness of a story.

This is Elecea signing off*


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