Chapter 2

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"Hello humans! Welcome to my channel, my name is Oakley," I welcome, smiling at the camera. "If you are new here, how are you doing today? And if you're coming back hello how are you, it's very good to see you. You see what happens when you subscribe, you get an extra greeting!" I say.

"Alright today I'm going to be answering some questions that I got sent over Twitter," I explain to the camera, pulling up my questions. "Question number one, if you weren't a Youtuber what would your job be?" I pause, then saying in a questionable tone, "I don't know what I'd be, maybe an artist because I enjoy drawing"

"Question two, Messi or Ronaldo? Personally I like Ronaldo, but Messi is a phenomenal player." I smile at the camera, knowing a bunch of people will disagree with me.

"Next question, what position do you play? I normally play striker because I'm fast and have a powerful kick, but I do sometimes play center." I cup my mouth as if what I'm about to say is a secret, "Go watch my football videos in the description below."

After answering a few more questions I get to my final one, "Would you ever play in the Sidemen Charity Match?" A sigh falls from my mouth, "I would love to play a charity match, but I don't know anyone on the teams. I barely know Charlie Morely and that's because we just followed each other on Twitter. So yes I would love too, but I don't think I would be able to," I explain.

"Anyway guys that's the end of this Q&A, if you would like to see another one please like and subscribe! Bye." I smile at the camera before turning it off.


After I finished my video I started to think about how much fun it would be to play a charity match. But remembering what I said brings me back down to Earth and I throw the thoughts away.

One thing that always gets my mind of all my problems is going for a jog. Since I live in Jersey the scenery is breathtaking, making exercising a lot more interesting.

I look at the weather app and see that its 7 degrees Celsius, which is pretty normal for the lovely winter months. Walking over to my dresser I grab a pair of black, Nike leggings and a black and white sports bra that has a criss cross pattern across the torso. Knowing I get cold, I grab my go-to black jacket. I throw my dark purple hair into a messy bun.

Walking out of my house I grab my car keys, Airpods and periwinkle Nikes. I drive, while listening to Oh, Weatherly, to my normal trail on top of a cliff. I hop out of my car and grab my phone and Airpods (that I kind of regret buying). I start playing my relaxing playlist so I can clear my head. Once my music is on, I start jogging and just follow the dirt path.


After about an hour of jogging and a bit of walking I decide I should start to walk back to my car. As I'm walking I notice a male walking in my direction, obviously jogging himself. When we pass by each other I notice he is about the average male height, but still shorter. I smile and he smiles back.

On the way back to my car I think about how odd my life is. I'm 21 years old and should in uni, but here I am creating YouTube videos of me playing football with a few vlogs here and there. At the same time I'm happy I'm doing YouTube because I don't know what else I would be doing. I could possibly be doing something with art because my roommate, Ana, is a musician and I do enjoy singing and playing guitar. However, football is my passion.

Before I know it I'm back at my car and I'm on my way home.


I just want to let everyone know I do live in the US so if I get any terms wrong please forgive me as that isn't my specialty. Also apologies for it being short. 

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