|02| The Containment Breach |

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Without any delayed reluctance to the order given to you, you obliged to the guards' demand. The nerve-wracking thought of punishment lingered disturbingly within the core center of your mind, you'd much rather not find out any severe consequences if you were to lash out in emboldened disobedience. Just follow every single instruction, rule and order and you'll be alright, you internally reassured yourself. You promptly hoisted yourself up onto your two feet and scurried towards the door, hands quivering like a leaf from the apprehension. You entwined your hands behind your back and interlinked shaky figures together in a futile aim to settle down your shaken nerves, though it didn't hold any use in subsiding the amassment of anxiety morphing increasingly inside your chest, clinging to the innards of your being, tugging you onto the eternal edge of queasy uneasiness.

“Oh, thank God. Most Class D waste our time and don't bother cooperating.” the same guard groused aloud as you stepped out of the cell and into a hallway, the door closing behind your back right after the second you walked out.

Another guard was standing by his side with the exact same armoured uniform and wielding a weapon in his hands. Loud, unrecognizable music blared through his helmet and he didn't address your presence whatsoever. He only stared ahead and completely immobile, silently listening into the musical performance playing in his helmet. Now standing in front of these heavily equipped guards, you resisted the urge to grimace from how inadequate you seemed compared to their assertively sophisticated authority. To say you were intimidated by them was the understatement of the century- you were so fucking afraid.

“Just follow me. Oh, and by the way, we're authorized to uh. . . exterminate any disobedient test subjects, so I'd recommend not doing anything stupid.” the guard explained bluntly to you and started halting away down the corridor. The word 'exterminate' caused you to visibly shudder, a shiver traversing down the expanse of your spine and you swallowed down thickly, nodding your head up and down in understanding.

'Don't do anything stupid, D-****,' you mentally reminded yourself.

You followed after the guard immediately and the other guard trailed closely behind you. Your beating heartbeat drummed rapidly against your ribcage and pulsations flitted in your ears with light thumps. Even though the guards were in front and behind you, you assured to maintain an appropriate distance and not inch any closer to them. You didn't crave the idea of a haphazard penetration of bullets ripping through your chest cavity simply because you were moving too suspiciously close to one of the guards. Multiple pairs of footsteps kept making contact with the ground filtered in the silent atmosphere. An announcement started on the intercom but you were in a fix of attentive absorption as your eyes darted to and fo as you looked all over the place, to busily preoccupied to pay attention to what the intercom person was saying. Viewing around, the hallway you were passing through had more of the black doors with the symbol of the foundation designed in the door. Most of the doors on the hallway, however, were metal and had numbers displayed just above- simular to your "room", if you could even call it that. You assumed that the other D-Class Personnel must be contained within those restrictions as well. The tiled floor was white as well and the whitish-gray paint covering the walls was flaking away. The whole place was bright, too. It stung into your sensitized retinas.

Rounding into another hallway with metallic floors and black decagonal walls instead of the plain white walls, there was another guard locater there and he remained his eyes firmly drilled onto you, his head following each and every single bodily mannerism you made, tracing after your body language and mindfully considering all details of your figure. You fearfully averted your gaze from the guard and cleared away the tension building in the back of your throat. You aimed to ease your irregular breathing by taking silent, long drags of air in, then exhaling air out at a timely paced process. Slowly but surely, your pounding heartbeat reduced to levels of considerable normalization and your ponderous breathing greatly reduced. A sigh of content left you once you finally calmed yourself down enough so you weren't tethering on the verge of a panic attack.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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