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Chaper 11

As I woke up I looked at neji he was looking back at me

"Morring" he Said to me

"Morring " I said sadly

" hey stay here I Going to do some thing " he said puting clothes on and walkng to my window

"Fine " as neji jumps out my window I just lie in bed for a while

' ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding'

" who pushed the fucking door bell" I yelled as I walked down stears to see who it was it was it was Cammi and franki

"Hey" franki said

"Hey come in , do u no what the boys are doing ?"I asked them

"I MISS SASUKE " Cammi cryed out as we cuddle her to comfort her

"We don't neji just aked if he could stell them for awhile " franki said

"Ohs " I said as me and franki let go if Cammi as Cammi sore the boys walking back to mine

"SASUKE " she shouted and running towords home and knocking both of them over as the are huging each other

As franki skips over to kiba as kiba kissed her

"Will u be my " He said geting interuped

"Yes I will be ur girlfriend " she size kissing him

"Ñoooo more kiss for you she said Leting go of kibas lips

As I walk over to neon and gave him a hug

"Now since we We are all there we got some things for u guys " neji said as Cammi and Sasuke walking in side

"Yay stuff" I said

"U guys deverve these " he said as all of our boy friends thad of there head protectors and handed to us

"IT SMELLS LIKE SASUKE " Cammi yelld smelling hers and I also get nejis pendant and Cammi got Sasukes top and franki also got kibas jacket as Cammi and franki ran out the door and I ran up stears

Nejis POV

As the girls ran of me Sasuke and kiba sat down and waited for them

"Sooo " I said to brack the silane

"Umm " Sasuke said

"I asked franki out , she said yes " kiba said smiling like a backa as Cammi walks back in side

"Sorry about that guys " she said

" it's fine " Sasuke says trying to get to her

" ñoooo motherfucker sit u have to Waugh for the others " she said pointing to the couch

"FUCK " Sasuke shouts as franki and quortni come back

"now we have things for u guys "quortni says as us guys wall up to our girls as I get quortnis fox ears and a ribon

Kiba got one of Frankis jackets and dog ears and Sasuke gets a top of cammis and it says this mother fucker is mine and kitty ears as franki and kiba walk home to Frankis and Sasuke and Cammi walks back to cammis as quortni walks up stears with the stuffing gave her and fell a sleep as I just right her a letter and put it in her bag knowing the bags and everything she has will go with her with the stuff I gave her but not the stuff she gave me as I but it in her bag and kiss her on the forehead and slept be side her one last time

Sasukes POV

As we walked back to cammis it was geting dark as she is holding the stuf I gave her very tightly as I have the kitty ears on and the top over my shoulder as I see a tear down her face

"hey it's going to be ok I promise I'll always going to think about u every day " I say wiping her tear way

"how do u no that u may find someone else to love " she said crying even more

"I won't hey how about u give me ur phone and u can talk to me everyday ok I promise ur the only one I could love " I said to her opening her door

"Oks follow me " she said walking up stears and handing my me her phone

"thanks " I said looking at the her all ready a sleep as I right her a latter and but it in her bag as I kiss her and cuddle her in her bed and fell asleep with her

Kiba POV

"Hey I'm going to miss u" I said to her

"I'm going to miss u to hey u can have this too " as she hands me her phone

"u sure"I asked her

"Yeah we can get other ones when we at back home then I can talk to u every day " she said to me

"Oks sounds good " I said as we walked in to her house and went up stears and she fell a sleep as she fell a sleep I whent to get Sasuke and neji as I jumped up to cammis window I sir Sasuke cuddling her

"pisst Sasuke " I said to him

"yes kiba " he said back

"let's go with them lets pack our bags and go with them"ni said to him

"That is the best Idea I herd u say all this time I new u let's get neji" he said as we both jumped outh cammis window to get neji as we got to quortnis window Sasuke jumped in dragged neji out and got him out without any sound

"what's going on here "neji said

"We are going with the girls " Sasuke said existedly and ran of to get his stuff ready

"Sounds good " neji said and ran of also to get his stuff as I walk of and get my stuff as jump in to my window and get my stuff and went back to franki and I'm a summing that the other guys went back to there girls as I fell back to sleep with franki

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