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Chapter one

It was one fine after noon I Rangiora high school , it is morning tea time here as I , Cammi, is all ready siting on the grass waiting for franki to arrive .

"Hi franki how are u ?" I yell from across the felled

As franki looks up to see me

"oh , hi Cammi , and the bicth told me I was like a jimmi " as franki said quietly


"Hey toni " says franki al most yelling it in cammis ear

"owwww , I'd you have to say it that loud ?" I ask

" yes , yes I did!" says franki so proudly as she gives toni a big hug

"why hello there franki how are u today do far?" Asks Toni not knowing what is going on

"hmmmmmm, ( as she falls to a sitting poison on the grass ) horrible , didi u no that bicth called me a jimmi , you no who I'm talking about when we talk about 'the bicth ' right?" ask franki in a evil tone like she what's to kill him

"no , who is the bicth? Asks wonering tone

"oh , the bicth is timmi ! I what to kill him!!" says franki

"Ohhhh, sorry love I didn't no that do u what me to help you to kill him " asks toni in a tone that he all ready had a plan

"yes please , now do we start?" as franki knowing he all ready had a plan

"oh , I no we can chop him up to lots of peaces and feed to dogs that will eat him then they will poop him out and but him back to getter again and put him In to a dump with violant dogs " as I say in exsitment

" oh my fucken god , that is AWSOME!! "Says franki wondering how the fuck we going to put it action

"now we need to put it n to action "says Toni trying to think how we going to to do it

"I was just thinking that!!"says franki as she turns to Cammi

"I've got it toni can lead him with candy to candy factory and it will have a table in it tie her up In there and that's how we cut him up !!!" I say I'm in such exsitment

"wow , Cammi I never new you were so violent " says Toni wondering how the fuck all this came out of cammis mouth

"well I have my ways , also no one knows the real me " I as so proudly

"oh , why is Cammi ?" asks franki wondering why she don't tell anyone or show anyone the real Her

"I don't what to talk about it " I carry off trying not to talk about it

"Oks u sure u don't what to talk about it ? " says franki

"Yeah I'll be fine"I say with tears rolling down my face

"ok u may say ur fine bet ur not so spit it out ! " as franki wipes my tears a way

"FINE I'll tell you" as I get angry

"thank u now get to it" says franki trying to get it out of Cammi

"Well when I was little I trusted some one so much and I toled and showed her every thing but then she she tured all bicthy and told everyone at school everything about me went be hind my back and that's why I won't show or tell any one any thing anymore " as I say quietly as im looking down and tears are rolling down my face

"please don't cry , please I'm sorry , you can tell me any thing u can trust me with anything I'll never do that to you I promise " as franki wiping my my tears away

" I now I can trust u it's just hard trying to open up again I may tell you tomorrow , fuck that was the bell we better get to class toni are you comming ? And do u what a hug franki ? " I say I help franki up off the ground

"Of corse I'm comming I just got some thing else in stead of class so I won't be coming to class sorry Cammi" says Toni

"oh it's all goods I'll jus see u tomorrow I gess " as I finish giving franki I when to class

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