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Wes had no clue what to do with the information he found, but he knew that something was extremely weird about it. After a moment, he realized something had always been off about the relationship with his family. All this time following him and he never made the connection, even with Fenton's own parents trying to capture him. The evidence was unmistakable, and yet he, like the rest Amity in the case of Fenton being Phantom, had completely missed it. Phantom was almost completely alone in fighting ghosts, save for his two friends.

Wes felt stupidly immature and hypocritical at his own stubborn failure to realize the obvious, but that soon turned into a large weight of guilt sitting on his shoulders and dragging them down a bit. He didn't realize just how bad things could've been if anyone had actually believed him, but he's now faced with the fact that he could've put Daniel into serious danger over his hurt pride. There's no way to apologize for something like that, especially after doing it for so long. This leads Wes to only one solution, and it's probably the worst one, but he's running on pure 5-Hour Energy drinks and sandwiches. 

He had stayed up all night trying to figure out what happened to the raven-haired boy, reorganizing everything he knew to fit in this new information that just steam-rolled everything he thought he knew about the situation. He wonders how to approach this solution of avoiding Daniel until he can figure out what to say. He can't outright avoid school, but his locker is really close to Danny's, plus they share a few classes, so there's a bunch of issues right off the bat.

Maybe he could stop using his locker, keep everything in his bag, and sit as far from Danny as possible. It's the most reasonable way to go about this, from his point of view, at least for some time. He wasn't sure how he would ever apologize, but he couldn't avoid the other forever. It wouldn't be fair either, not resolving this, but Wes honestly had no clue what to say about it. He never realized that his stubbornness and pride were putting Danny in such a bad position, even after spending so much time spying on him.

He sighed as he arrived at the school, staring at the ground, a pit in his stomach as he walked forward. His feet dragged him inside and to his locker, running on pure muscle memory, while his mind spaced out, overthinking his situation and trying to figure out how to fix it. He half-heartedly hopes Danny wouldn't forgive him, because he knows for sure he'll never forgive himself for putting Danny in an even more risky position than he was already in.

Between the ghost-catching parents, the ghosts constantly attacking the town, Vlad's weird obsession and that one organization that Wes doesn't know the name of, Danny was on the corner of a rooftop. Wes adding to that had him standing tiptoed on the edge, because at any moment if even one person believed Wes, all hell would break loose.

Wes was so absorbed into his own thoughts that he didn't notice Fenton approach until he was punched in the side of the gut, sending him stumbling and holding one arm around his stomach. Fenton grabbed his collar and pulled him up enough to meet his eyes. "Look, Weston, I'm willing to overlook how you constantly accuse me of being Phantom. But you literally broke into my house last night and stole some stuff from my family. Are you really so desperate that you really would stoop that low for your stupid theories?"

To that, Wes failed to respond. Before last night, the answer would've readily been yes, but knowing what he does now, he feels that it was only more stress to an already bad situation that the ghost kid was in. He looks down, sighing, then hesitantly speaks. "No, I... well... I was, but... sorry, I'm just..." He sighs, lightly attempting to remove Danny's hands from his collar so he can stand properly since he is an inch or two taller than his classmate. He manages, despite Danny's reluctance to release him, and then he looks to the ghost boy. "Beforehand, certainly, I was an idiot, didn't connect the dots in the right way. Now, however... I'm sorry for all the stress I must've been shoving on you. You've got enough to juggle without my idiocy getting in the way."

Wes then walked to class, leaving Danny a bit stunned at how calmly Wes handled that. Wes meanwhile was having an internalized panic attack, half expecting Danny to run up and drop kick him at any moment or something. Wes had no clue what he even said, having somewhat blacked out for most of that. He hoped he hadn't said anything rude at least, going into the classroom and sitting in the back, his mind still off in its own troubled little world. He barely heard the lesson as he stared out the window, finding himself mulling over the details in his head.

He then remembered the events of last night. What it was like to sneak in, to creep through the house nearly undetected. He felt invisible, almost like he could get away with anything. He felt, in a sense, like a ghost. As he remembered that feeling, he wondered if it's the same feeling Danny gets when he goes ghost. With that in mind, mixed with the thoughts of last night, he remembered one particular moment. It was a moment he had been trying to avoid thinking about, and so he attempted to sweep it under a rug of other thoughts, just to avoid confronting that thought. A thought that he had a few times before but had never taken seriously, and still didn't want to honestly answer. 

He managed to make it through the day without much trouble and was packing up in his last class, ready to head home when he realized that he had nothing to do. The only hobby he had was trying to reveal that Phantom was Fenton, but now that he knows how bad the consequences would be, he no longer wants to do it. However, that means Wes has no hobbies, nothing productive to take up his time. It also meant that Danny was extremely important to him, but now that he thinks about it, he never really considered why he was so obsessed with the ghost boy. 

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