Arrogance and Prejudice

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by Thais Mollyen

"We have a trauma patient here!" the chief of trauma, with an alert confident face, screamed while running to the emergency door. That face, though, only lasted for a second, because as soon as the young doctor saw the patient's face, he stopped in shock "Oh my God... It is Him. It is Bolsonaro!", he screamed "Everyone here! Right now!"

On the sound of these words, a big commotion in the room started. Patients with severe pain forgot about their situation and started asking questions to the doctors; some doctors started panicking and ran to help, while others stood there, looking at each other, with expressions of terror and disgust.

"Don't just stand there!" one of the doctors screamed to a big black female nurse, "Come help me!" the nurse, waking up from her brief paralysis, ran to help.

Bolsonaro couldn't speak. He felt as if everything were spinning around him. He wanted to tell that fucking slave to take her hands off him and put someone else in her place. However, every time he tried, all that came up from his mouth were a bunch of incomprehensible sounds. They must have given me morphine, he though. He looked around and saw a light blue room, with doctors and nurses in light blue aprons. One of the doctors, however, was wearing a dark red apron. He must be the chief, he thought.

He saw the whole scene moving, while the nurses drove him quickly to the surgery room. It was a very white place, with metal instruments all around. He saw the black woman getting close to him again, this time with a big needle, and begun struggling. The woman looked deeply in his eyes, held his arm and said strongly:

"You listen to me, your devilish man", she paused, "I don't want to do that as much as you don't want me to. Don't you think I wouldn't rather having anyone else deal with a disgusting little Nazi as you?" she stopped breathing, "Yes, I would! But I am the best nurse in this hospital, and that is my job! So, do YOUR job once and let me apply this anesthetic on you — otherwise, you are just going to die on this table before we can do anything to help. Do you hear me?!", she screamed, looking sharply at him. He made no sound. "Blink twice if you hear me!", he blinked twice and stood still, waiting for the pain of the needle. The woman's face, along with the room started to vanish from the politician's eyes and he fell asleep.

A red room appeared in front of Bolsonaro's eyes. Oh, I had the weirdest dream, he thought. He was sitting on his presidential chair, with his feet on the top of his presidential desk, when his secretary ran into the room with a desperate face:

"They are attacking the building!", he exclaimed.

"They who?", Bolsonaro asked with a confused and scared face

"The rebels!"

Bolsonaro couldn't understand what was happening. Wasn't him the Beloved and Great Lord of the country? Who could be those so-called rebels?

Outside of Bolsonaro's mind, the doctors were performing the surgery on his open chest, while arguing about that whole situation and the man itself:

"Who would tell?!" exclaimed the black nurse, "that I would ever have to touch this nasty little Nazi."

"Don't talk like that, Dona Maria..." said the doctor in the red apron with a menacing voice, "You may not agree with the things he says, but he is still a patient and you are still a nurse!"

"And do you think I don't know that, Doctor Meirelles?!" she exclaimed with inquisitive eyes, "Do you think I don't know my place in relation to this man?!", she continued bravely, "I am a proud black AND lesbian woman who was able to succeed in life!", she paused, "I am what this man hates the most! So, yeah... I think I have the right, no... the duty to talk like that."

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