Twilight Forest

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I stood on the edge of the cliff. The crystal clear water below made the lake, filled with the tears of the mountain, a waterfall seemingly pouring off into the end, look only 2 feet deep, but I have jumped too many times to be deceived by simple appearance.

I took off my rabbit hide garment, cape and hood, belt and boots, until I had nothing left on accept my leather undergarments, the hide of a cow I hunted yesterday, then I jumped.

The 50 feet I fell only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like forever. The wind rushed through my hair and I felt like I was flying, looking off into the distance where trees danced in the wind and the pink-painted horizon seemed to lift all my fears of falling away.

I hit the warm, clear water. The tropical crystal's liquid caught me, 20 feet deep. These where the moments I lived for. Where the beauty of my home, the misplaced Twilight Forest subject to the time of this earth, would prove it's worth and entertain the night walkers and fireflies.

I pulled my head out of the water and took in a breath of the crisp night air. I saw lights flicker in the distance, either the signal of night for the village or Star Bugs playing and floating through the breeze, either way I had to finish washing up and head off, the only thing I desire is more time to enjoy myself.

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