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A few months later...

Joe had taken JJ on the road with him for the first time. So Nia was alone and childless this past weekend. It felt weird but exciting. Nia released herself from Taula's grip on her waist and got out of bed. Nia changed and walked into her living room. Liv was on the road so she had the house to herself. Nia proceeded to start on breakfast.

Nia felt arms wrapped around her waist and Taula kissed her shoulder. "Good Morning beautiful," said Taula. "Morning, breakfast is almost done," said Nia. Taula kissed her and sat on her island. Nia finished the food and they ate and watched TV.

They actually started talking back at AJ and Tamina's wedding, back then Nia didn't want a relationship as she had just broken things off with Joe. But they started talking more and more and then after a while, Taula asked Nia out every day for 2 weeks before she said yes.

For their date, he took her to a little Italian restaurant and then they walked downtown Orlando and got ice cream. It was nice, that was 3 months ago.


"Let me take you out tonight," said Taula. He was cleaning up after their breakfast. "I wish I could babe, but I made plans to have a family night with Joe and JJ," said Nia. "You're spending the night with your ex," said Taula. "Yes, is there a problem with that" asked Nia. "I mean I do trust you, but remind you this is the ex that you were with for 4 years," said Taula. "Yep, we were. He also got me pregnant and we now have a son together" said Nia. "Then why is he going to spend the night with you," asked Taula. "We are doing this for JJ, one thing I don't want is for him to think his parents hate each other," said Nia. "Ok, I don't want this to develop into an argument, so I'm going to shut up now. You are a grown woman who can make her own decisions" said Taula. "I would recommend that," said Nia. Taula grabbed his stuff and kissed Nia bye.

Nia proceeded to clean her house and prep everything for JJ and Joey.

That Night...

Nia let Joe in and picked up JJ. "I missed you," said Nia. She hugged her son, she hadn't seen him since Friday. They fixed their food and started the movie they were going to watch. By the time they finished watching movies it was, 1 am and JJ was asleep in Nia's lap. Nia picked him up and went to lay him down in his crib. Joe helped her clean up. Nia sat at the island as Joey did the dishes. "You know I never got the chance to explain myself for what happened," said Joe. "Well, start explaining. This maybe your only chance" said Nia. "That night, being around all that alcohol and seeing everyone having fun because they were drinking. It honestly made me miss it. I figured that one drink wouldn't hurt, but the one turned into 10 and then I didn't mean to cheat. I was honestly blackout drunk, I don't even remember who the girl was" said, Joe.

" Joey, you broke my heart. I trusted you to not go out and drink. That was the second time, drinking ruined our relationship. Right now I want to hate you but I can't help but love you" said Nia. Joe turned and looked at her. "You still love me," asked Joe. "You are like my addiction, I can never stop loving you," said Nia. Joe put down the glass he was putting away and pulled Nia into a passionate kiss. Nia kissed back and they made their way to Nia's room.

Sober {Nia Jax x Samoa Joe}{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now