The Real Story of Snow White (Genealogy of Red, White and Black)

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We all love stories especially fairytales and tell them to children. One of the stories that they tell is that of Snow White. On the vocaloid song entitled Genealogy of Red, White and Black, the whole story is reverted into a different twist of jealousy, malevolence and corruption of one's soul.

Once upon a time, there lived a King and a Queen. They prayed to God that one day the queen may bear a child to be the next successor to the throne. Day after day the king and queen prayed but instead of bearing a child, a sickness had befall on the king. When the king died, the queen had gone berserk and shut herself from the people. One day the spirit of snow told her that in order for her to bear a child, she would gather a charcoal from a burned ebony wood, a powder of white snow and a pint of her blood. When she submitted it all to the snow spirit, she was then blessed with the spirit and after few days, bore a child. The little girl had her skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood. As the child grew, the envy lurking inside the queen also emerged. She could not handle not being the most beautiful in the entire kingdom so she ordered for a huntsman to get her own daughter killed. Snow white, knowing that her life was in danger, fled into the forest away from the kingdom.
As she reached the forest crossroads, she met a prince. The prince treated her nicely at first, giving her food and shelter, mainly feeding her red apples. But later then, the prince's hidden desire started to unfold. He took advantage of Snow white's fragile and weak body. He molested her from head to foot and even tried poisoning her to death. Snow White, having no more power to withstand the things that are happening to her, ran away. Rage then haunted her like wolves prowling in the snow. She then took the red scarf that her own mother knitted for her and tore it apart as a sign that she would no longer be the same fragile and weak Snow white that she was. Snow White then learned about an ancient blade handled by 12 dwarves. The dwarves warned her that the cursed black blade can only be removed by a person with great desire for revenge.Without hesitation, Snow White marched forward and took the blade in her hand. The dwarves also had qualms with the queen (Snow white's mother) so then they joined snow white off to war. They gathered dwarves from another places and advanced forth to defeat the queen. Snow white's blue eyes turned to red and her heart dyed with the rancid color of rage.

If you want to really feel the whole sequence of the story, feel free to listen to the music and watch the video.

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