Good Morning Text

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Morning babe! I hope you are feeling well. I miss you so much. Let's do something later!

Good morning beautiful, I hope you slept well. 😘

Hey pretty lady. How did you sleep? I hope I was running through your head all night. 🙃

Mornin' princess. I will be over soon with breakfast, sorry I can't wait to see you. x.o.👅

What's up baby. I hope you had a great sleep. I'll be over soon. 😏

Rise and shine angel eyes! Come over to cuddle! Pleaseee.♥️

Oh hey! Good morning sleeping beauty! I thought you would never wake up!

Sweet Pea:
Seeing your beautiful face once I open my eyes in the morning is one of the best feelings in the world. So please let me come over. 😭🖤

Dreaming of you is great and all, but I would much rather see you in person baby, come cuddle me all day please.😽

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