"Well that's good and I'm glad you have a guy friend that can help you out when I can't. He seems like a nice guy." Hector says, it is clear by his tone he doesn't really believe Jesse is a good guy.

"Yeah he is, he doesn't know me that well, but yet he stood up for me. I told him it wasn't the wisest thing to do, especially against Carter."

"Well, I'm glad he did and yeah it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I'm happy he did." Hector smiles at me. "You know you should come to my next game this Thursday."

He has been trying to get me to go to one of his games since we got together, but I just don't feel like going to them. As it was I wasn't the most liked person in school and don't really feel like putting up with people's bullshit.

"Hey maybe you can get Jane and that new kid to come with you, so you won't be by yourself."

Yeah, he isn't going to drop it so easily today.

"Okay, fine I will go, but on one condition." He raises his brow as I pick up one of my sushi rolls and dip it. "I will go to your game this Thursday if you eat this." I hold the sushi to his mouth, I am hoping he will back down and I won't have to go to his game.

He frowns at me; yes, it looks like I am not going to the game. I pull my hand back, but Hector reaches out and grabs my wrist. He leans in and opens his mouth and places the sushi roll in his mouth. I feel his tongue lick my fingers clean and leans back in his seat smiling at me while he chews.

"Well, it looks like I will be seeing you at my game Thursday. Oh by the way you are right this is pretty good." He reaches over and grabs my last sushi roll and dips it before he puts it in his mouth.

I sigh and shake my head; I was so sure he wasn't going to eat the sushi roll. "Well, I guess I will be there and hopefully I can get somebody to come with me."

Hector smiles at me as he pays for the ticket and we get up to leave. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk back to the car. He opens my door and I get in as he walks over to the driver's side.

"So what do you have planned for us now?"

Hector just smirks at me as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Well you are just going to have to wait and see."

I pout as Hector continues to drive. It is a while before Hector finally stops the car and we get out, he took us to Tom McCall Waterfront Park. He looped his arm around mine as we start to walk.

"So this is the big surprise you had in store for me?" I ask as I lean closer to him, it is getting a little chilly and all I have on is my hoodie, which isn't very thick.

"It's part of it," Hector pulls me towards the rails that overlook the water.

He stands behind me as we both look out at the water. I feel him reach for something in his pocket.

"Here I got this for you, I know how much you love them."

He holds out a bag of Dr. Pepper flavor jelly beans in front of me. I smile as I take some and turn around to face Hector.

"Thank you," I place one in my mouth, Hector leans down and kisses me.

I feel his tongue invade my mouth as he sucks out the jelly bean. He licks his lips when he pulls away from me.

"Mmm yup, they're tastier this way." He smirks at me as I playfully punch him in the chest.

"You are terrible, if you wanted one, you could have just asked." I pop another one in my mouth.

Hector walks up closer to me, pushing me closer to the rails.

"But like I said they don't taste as good as they do when I steal them from you." He leans in again, but I turn my head and he kisses me on the cheek.

I giggle as he groans.

"You're killing me here."

"No, you need to learn some self-control." I say as I put a jelly bean in his mouth. "But maybe if you are a good boy, this Saturday we can do something special." Hector rests his chin on my shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"You know this won't have to go on for much longer." He lifts his head and looks at me. He cups my face as he stares into my eyes. "Once I turn eighteen at the end of this month and I can finally get my trust fund I will tell my family that I'm gay and that I am in love with the most amazing boy ever. So if they disown me, I can at least use my trust fund to get my own place and I would love it if you would move in with me. I love you Adrian and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, because I know you feel the same way."

I stand there looking back at him; I don't know what to say. After three years of hearing all of these promises, he is finally going to actually do something.

"So what do you say?"

"Yes," now any doubts I had about us are gone.

Hector really does love me and he is going to come out soon to his family and we can finally be together. This is what I need; this is what is going to help me get Jesse out of my head, because I do have a guy that loves me.

Better Than I Know MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now