The Princess of Hell

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                     ~Events within another thirty years have passed until the Hotel Opens: 2019~

                               One could say the Radio Demon was indeed stubborn but there was one more so than him, the Devil, and for years Alastor had tried to get Lucifer out of his Palace so the two of them could talk and maybe fix things between them.  He knew the Devil still cared for him and as for being mad at the fact that he hid the truth from him, he wanted to hear the other out as it was maddening not knowing and feeling the way he did for Lucifer.  He hated to admit it, but there was no sense in denying it any longer what with the Angel Exterminations each year, Alastor would sense Lucifer nearby every time as if to check on him and make sure he didn't die to the robotic Angels. When he wasn't in danger, the Radio Demon tried to think of ways to get the Devil out from his home because the Palace was protected by a barrier that kept any unwanted visitors from entering.  It was cowardly of the other as Alastor would try to get Demons to summon the Devil so he could make deals with them, the Radio Demon would lie in hiding to try and capture the Devil.  He would sense Alastor before he could be netted or tripped as if the Radio Demon was like a cartoon character trying to catch him with ridiculous means.  Even setting traps on rooftops that would attempt to snare a flying Devil as he tried patrolling his city like he was supposed too, after years of that nonsense, Lucifer decided that to avoid fighting with the other he'd just stay at home.  To him, he still believed Alastor wanted to fight with him or that he was mad at him and when he started hearing Radio broadcasts talking badly about him, he knew then that Alastor was most definitely mad at him still.

"Another pitiful day in hell!  And where is the Devil himself?  Hiding away like the coward he is!"  Alastor's laughing voice coming through his own broadcasting signal for all of Hell to hear, "What else did you expect folks!  He does rely on Heaven to do his job for him!  The last extermination was a fun one!  Some Overlords fell victim to those mechanical angels!  Seems there will be turf wars soon~ who will take the vacant spots stay tuned to know the latest news folks!"  Although Alastor was mad it was more so because he was tired of trying to get Lucifer's attention, he'd try broadcasting certain things to see if it would anger the Devil enough to come out, but nothing seemed to work.  Granted years had passed and it wasn't the only thing he did, he had an afterlife to enjoy too but at times, the Radio Demon found himself reminiscing about all the times he spent with Lou and how having someone at his side all the time was nice, he missed it greatly.

                     While attempting to use voodoo spells on the Devil, Alastor made a doll of Lucifer and upon poking it with a pin in the back of the neck he chuckled hoping the Devil would come searching for whoever was enacting the spell.  The effects were only minor, meanwhile, in the Palace, Lucifer merely rubbed his neck as if it was a bug bite or something, his Apple Cane would protect him from any targeting magic spells but not against an area of effect spell.  Like some card game and its magic rules, when that didn't work Alastor tried a different tactic.  One day he had tried going to the Palace, getting the guards attention who were behind the barrier that kept him out, he hadn't tried this before because he was somewhat nervous when it came to meeting with the Queen.  If that ever happened, it was something that bothered him as well that Lou had cared for him and yet had a Wife or Queen, then why did he mess around with him?  He wasn't getting these answers, so he had left and went to get drunk with Husk, really drunk.  So much so that he returned to the Palace that night, summoning his Shadows to barrage at the barrier just outside the forest that was attached to their garden.  Alastor would be shouting in rage and annoyance as to why the coward wouldn't come out to face him and stop hiding like a big baby.  Husk was there, of course, trying to get him to leave the Palace alone before things turned bad for them but before leaving with Husk.  Alastor took out the pocket watch he had kept since the Devil dropped it, another clue as to how the other felt and yet tossing it against the barrier in rage.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz