Intention is everything

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Cardan POV

Cardan sat comfortably at his throne, he lounged about lost in his thoughts. His lovely sensual sat behind him, she believed him to hate her. Yes, at times he did despite her it was true. Though right now he wasn't plotting to hurt Jude. He chuckled, He imagined she'd be in fact very happy.

Jude had tricked Cardan, no longer able to be glamoured and holding Cardan in her control, it would be impossible to remove her, to harm her in any way. Luckily she had stepped on some rather important toes or rather claws.

Mother merrow was all too happy to help, Having been an old and wise hag she had found a way to manipulate Judes control. Faeries weren't famous for being cunning and willing to play a long game for no reason. So he studied her, he watched and plotted.

Mother merrow had told him that in order to be free of his agreement, he had to glamour Jude. Though the glamour was not easy and was much harder to perform. Jude would have to agree to it, not verbally of course. He had to find a way to make it so she wanted it. Even if she wouldn't admit it, a skill of mortals was lying. A weakness of mortals was that even the best of them were rather short sighted.

To be clear, Cardan had no intention of hurting Jude. In fact, he was quite sure he was addicted to her, she was poison and antidote alike.

Now he would have her all to himself. She would be his, and since mortals never grew old in faerie. If she could be convinced to never leave him. He knew if he succeeded she would never want to leave. If Cardan was capable of love than this was it.

The first part of his plan included burning his new room, once more he ruined it. Jude in  frustration allowed him into hers, she tucked him into bed. Pretending to sleep he walked over to her poisons, she didn't believe he had seen them. He filled them with faerie wine, she had commanded him never to hurt her but as this was part of the plan, he wasn't. It was a loophole and he would use it.

Jude began to drink her poisons and he could see her judgement leaving her, she began to laugh and he took this as an opportunity to sneak up behind her. When she stood, swaying still giggling, he touched her waist gently and kissed her neck.

She moaned in her inebriated state, and turned to face him. He kissed her at first gently then began to roughly kiss her. His hands roamed her waist and her back.

"Jude, would you bind yourself to me? I would never hurt you." He whispered

"I'm mortal, I can't be bound." She giggled and kissed him, placing her hands in his black hair.

"I found a spell, Jude you could be immortal, and we could be together forever." he whispered

"Forever? You hate me." she whispered suddenly shocked and sounding small and not the soldier she was.

"You will never be sad, And you will be as comfortable as you could ever be." he told her

"Yes, do it Cardan." she said

He reached for a dagger, and slicing her palm and his, he pressed their hands together.

" Jude Duarte, you are bound to me, I will never harm you, never leave you, I swear but you are bound to me, all past agreements dissolved as this beyond any other. To protect you, I use the powers but swear never to hurt you."

"Cardan, you tricked me." she whispered sober.

" Go to sleep sweet Jude." he said.

"You are safe and love me, you have no fear, no worry and no pain. You would do anything for me." He said glamour heavy and soothing.

Without her protection from glamours, she was helpless and as a sense of happiness and calm washed over her, she knew on some level that he had done exactly as he said. She was safer and happier than she had ever been. With that thought she laid on her covers and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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