Chapter three How I met Jake

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When I was younger I took an extreame liking to my brother's friends. I had a constant parade of fifteen year old boys going through my house stuffing themseleves with food in the kitchen Or playing basketball on the court outside of our house. I had recently broke up with a boy named Tyler and thought nothing of getting back together with another boy. It was a Wednesday that I had first met Jake. My brother was gonna bring some friends home to celebrate the big game coming up. I was in my room cleaning because my cat had knocked a glass of juice off the dresser.

Mom can you please bring me some towels? I had asked as I heard a knock on the door. Yeah I'll clean it up while you get the door. My Mom had yelled as I went to the door. I looked out the peep hole and saw this boy texting on his phone. I decided to answer it but be careful. I opened the door and he looked up and smiled. Hey are you lost? I asked as I looked at his car. It was a Town and Country Van. (Not Promising) No I'm here to hang out with Braeden but it doesn't seem like he's here yet. The boy said and I nodded understanding.

Oh yes my brother did say he was having friends over. Sorry about that come on in. I said smiling. Your name? I asked. Jake and yours? He asked back. Brooke. I said smiling. We hung out until my brother got there and I was amazed. He was a really sweet guy. We had gotten to know each other really well. That night I was sitting on the porch and Jake came outside getting ready to leave. Ahh Brooke what are you doing out here alone? He asked as he sat down beside me. I just like to be out here some times. I said and he nodded. Yeah I like it to it's peaceful.

He said and I agreed. Hey look at the stars. I said and he looked up and smiled. He then looked at me with a serious face. Do you believe in wishing on stars? Surprised but also serious I answered I never tried. He looked shocked. Well it's about time you start. He said and he looked up. Close your eyes and wish for something you want it can be anything. He said as I closed my eyes. I made my wish and opened my eyes. Now it's your turn. I said smiling at him. He closes his eyes and four seconds later reopens them. Well now what?

I asked looking at him. Well we can tell each other what we wished for. He said looking at me for an answer. Mines a little personal. I said trying to talk him out of it. Mine is too. He said looking at me with a smirk. I just don't think it's that important. I said and he grabbed my arm. Tell me your wish and I'll tell you mine. He said and he let go of my arm. Well I wished we could be normal family. I say and point to the house. Well I wished you'd be okay with me doing this. He said as he pulled me closer to him. My eyes widened as his lips crashed to mine.

We pull apart and he smiles at me. Would you go on a date with me Brooke? He asks and I smile back. Yeah I'd love to Jake. I say and he smiles bigger. Good I'll see you tomorrow at 8:00. He says as he gets up and runs to his car. I sigh and get up going inside. Wow sis I can't believe you kissed Jake. Braeden said clapping his hands. Braeden shut your fucking mouth. I say and he just smirks. No I'm sending this to our brother. Braeden says pulling out his phone. I sigh and walk upstairs. Go ahead I can tell Sam a lie. I said and Braeden scoffs.

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