Bad Boys for the WIN

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Roses are red, violets are blue
I've never been given flowers
Just dick and I O U's

For some reason I attract  men that are EXTREMELY ROUGH meaning no romance, rude, and selfish climaxers, which makes me annoyed.
But after  dealing with this one ☝🏾 guy this very sweet, innocent, and well mannered guy. I vowed to stay in my lane of  the rough boys.  I felt like I was raping him in bed 🤦🏾‍♀️ Since every session I had to take control for my pleasures .
We will nickname this guy Phillip 😂 .

1st night of sex-
Phillip was at aww he asked me ....
"Why is this so good?" 
Why is THIS SO GOOD  I had a problem with him referring to sex as THIS
What in the hell did he mean ? Was he doubting me because I'm not athletic or skinny?
Or because I seemed like a loner and assumed  that I would be inexperienced 🤦🏾‍♀️?
Phillips  sex was so trash 🗑, I mean straight garbage. His head game was cotton dry and he was never up to experience new things.

I like that deep soul touching penetration where after sex  I can still feel tender spots , with PHILLIP I felt none of that . But he would make up for the bad sex by cooking me daily meals .

So we continued to kick it and sex became very pointless very fast 💨 . I had completely lost interest.

While talking to Phillip I met a guy named Caleb ☺️ he was a street kid .
I had no damn business with Caleb 🤦🏾‍♀️
He wasn't worth  shit, my womanly instinct knew he wasn't sht but the dick was heavenly .
My daily routine would be spend days with Phillip study have lunch or dinner, then have my brains fucked out at night with Caleb .
😖😖😖Caleb oh Caleb why bring the darkness to light  this man  had a wife and 6 kids .
I counted them while waiting in line at the Local Kroger
I really wanted to tell his wife how good her mans head game was and Thank her for sharing, but I didn't.
The next day Caleb called and I didn't answer but I did fantasize about what his dick use to do to me and for me . 3 hours later Dammit I had given IN 🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️.


• Why is sex so important to me  ?
• Anyone else balancing two men and lifestyles for sexual needs ?
• How wrong am I for sleepy with a married man
that comes seeking for me ?

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