Chapter 6:In Other Words (I Love You)

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Just a quick note before we continue. The positive response I have been getting is phenomenal guys! I actually considered ending the fan-fiction here, but since I read comments asking that I keep going, I am here to deliver. Thank you for encouraging me to keep doing what I love!🤗

Also, a READER DISCRETION is in order. While this chapter is not necessarily a 🍋, sexual and mature themes will still be discussed. You have been warned.
"This is all I need." Rei stood a gasped as Shinji embraced her in his arms. She felt his hot breath linger tickling her ear. The words sent shivers up her spine, although not in the way she was used to. Was she afraid? No. She was burning up!

Never before had she felt herself burn with such intensity. Not when he had nursed her wounds, not when he had fell on top of her the last time he came to her apartment, and not even when he had held her in his arms the day they had first met before passing out from the pain. Through all the countless times she had been hospitalized, all the battles they had fought, the one who had always been there was not the commander, but Shinji. It was always Shinji.

Rei was at a loss for words. "Shinji..." she trailed off helplessly clutching the folds of his shirt; savoring the flame flickering in his chest. The hapless girl stood there wondering how she could possibly react.

Shinji was experiencing some discretion of his own. What was he doing? Did he say that out loud? Nearly a moment ago he was furious. All he had wanted was to feel wanted, to be accepted, and for his father to love him; but maybe that wasn't the type of affection he was truly seeking.

He was drawn out of his thoughts with a sudden tug on the his sleeve. "Huh? Rei, What is it?" He asked.

Rei shuffled her feet as she stared uncertainly up at him with her wonderfully mysterious eyes. They shimmered, sparkling from the moonlight reflecting off of them that cascaded through her apartment window. Despite her calm exterior, her heart was pounding. So fast, she feared she may collapse from the stress of it all.

Shinji blinked, his mind in a daze. His thoughts reeling as his eyes darted from her alluring collar than back to her angelic smile, and her hypnotic eyes. He felt a vague sense of embarrassment as he tried to make sense of things, until he realized something.

"She's blushing too..." He thought softly.

In a bold move, she brought her hands up, gripping onto his broad shoulders, and leaning him closer as she rose up on the tips of her toes.  "What would someone do,"she wondered. "...In a moment like this?"

Shinji was numb. His mind went blank. He kissed her awkwardly fumbling to catch her in his arms.

Rei made a small gasp. Their lips lightly pressed against each other. She wanted to savor these pleasant new feelings, but nearly tripped when Shinji jerked forward attempting to deepen the kiss. Startled, Rei's mouth opened, and the forward pull of gravity sent the pair tumbling to the ground with Rei crashing on her back. Shinji's body slammed into hers; his tongue consequently diving into her mouth.

The frazzled pair laid there, their mouths still connected. It was a strange sensation really; not at all like either one of them had anticipated. They clung stiffly to one another, walking between the lines of euphoria, and confusion.

Shinji was beyond himself. This wasn't what he had in mind. Sure, he wanted to kiss her, but not like this. Did Rei even want to be kissed? It was hard to tell since she looked like she was trying to get his attention a moment ago. Then his mouth grew a mind of it own, and the next thing he knew, he lunged forward, and the two of them fell.

Maybe he was reading into it too deeply. Still, he needed to be sure. He snuck a peek.

Their lips were still suction-cupped together. Shinji couldn't believe it. He briefly scanned the girl below him, his curious eyes taking in her curved body, and ample chest. To think she was only fourteen, too! She looked far more mature up close.

His heart skipped a beat when he suddenly met those crimson eyes staring up at him. Her brow furrowed uncertainly.

It was at this moment the two became increasing aware they were deprived of oxygen. Their eyes widened watching each others faces turning red to purple until the two finally split in an awkward slurping montion.

The pair were left panting heavily with lines of drool running down their chin. Hardly, a Romantic first kiss for either of them.

Shinji stuttered unintelligibly gasping for air. The words slowly took shape. "Hah hah! Rei! Ha, hahh! I-ha! I'm sorry! Are you ok? He asked. Do you want me to stop?"

"You idiot!" His mind shrieked. What the hell was he thinking?!

Rei's brows rose at this before turning her head to the side. Her face flushed deeply, nearly matching the color of her eyes. She paused. "Do you want to become one with me?" She we asked softly.

Shinji's jaw flung open. Now it was his turn to change colors again. "Huh?! You mean..." He trailed off unable to utter the words.

Rei's eyes flickered in his direction before settling onto her bedside table. A single book laid on top. 

"I read in a book that when a man and woman deeply care for another, their bodies become one." She explained sheepishly.

Shinji's eyes widened as she turned back to face him. A slim smile played gently on her lips. Her delicate, pale hand rose to cup his cheek.

Shinji stammered frantically. "No, Rei! I-It's not that I just..." He trailed off. Still too scared to profess the true depth of his feelings.

"I am not like you, Shinji." She whispered, sadly. " If I die, I can be replaced."

Shinji looked at her in dismay. He seemed to recall her mentioning something similar before... That's right! She did. At the Marine reserve.

"They can't they wouldn't make it outside. They're like me that way..."

"Rei...What did you mean by that?"

She smiled at him again. A little more convincingly this time. She pulled him in close so he could hear her

"I wouldn't mind if it was with you."

Shinji gasped. His eyes wide with horror. He rose slightly, putting some space between them. "Rei, What are you saying?" He asked.

He grabbed Rei by the shoulders. Still leaning over her, he stared at her intensely.

An ominous silence enveloped the room. The pair laid setill. Shinji rigidly clung to her. Rei was also confused, surprised by his sudden change in demeanor.

Perhaps she had said too much. Should she change the subject? No. She had to tell him. A brief moment of self-retrospective was reflected within the tense atmosphere. Her reluctant orbs drifted helplessly to the scuffed floor. She had already been brave once tonight, so why was she hesitating?

She took a deep breath. "I'm-"

There was a noise. A sudden tapping sound permiated the quiet, still of the apartment cutting her off. Rei rose her head startled, and Shinji flinched again, turning his head towards the direction of the sound's origin. It came again, a little
louder this time. The pair glanced at each other in disbelief. There was a knock at the door.

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