Chapter 3:What People Do

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Author's Note: How do you guys feel about the direction the fan-fiction is going so far? Do you appreciate the Easter eggs, and call backs to the existentialism of the original series? Leave a comment, and let me know! Thanks for reading!
Shinji stood apprehensively as he watched her stumble backwards From the hallway of Rei's tiny apartment. He usually wasn't one to barge in, but his curiosity had gotte the better of him after he scrambled up to the third floor only to see the front door ajar, and hearing a girl's blood-curdling scream coming from inside. The boy stammered awkwardly scratching his head as his brain fumbled through a barrage of questions and concerns, as he took in his surroundings; unsure of which needed immediate answers.

"Rei, I- um- er. I didn't mean to intrude, but the door was open!An-and, I heard you scream, and are you alright?..." Shinji trailed off when he noticed it. Did something happen to her hand, again?

Excess steam from the burning pot fogged up the room in the tight, confined living space. Rei's crimson orbs flickered in the chaos adjusting to her murky surroundings until they caught sight of the exasperated third child. He coughed slightly putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. Rei, recoiled from the sudden touch.

Shinji didn't notice though as he was too busy fumbling through the kitchen in search of an oven mit; made evident by the sweeping of opening and closing of the counter's drews. Rei, who was still disoriented from the sudden turn of events, waited silently. A couple swipes of the air later, the room was clear again. She stirred slightly in her chair.


Shinji looked over from stove. The pot clanked as he moved the remains of the what was still salvageable to the other burner. His breaths, quickened as he switched on the dial.

"Hang, on. Give me just one second."

A few moments later, He was kneeling in front of her. "Are you ok?" He pressed urgently.

Rei, blinked shuffling her injured appendage in her lap. What she was feeling exactly she didn't quite know. She trailed off. "Oh, um..."

Shinji took her hand. "Here, let me have a look." Rei sat paiently as Shinji inspected her burns. As he did this, Rei couldn't help, but notice the intensity in his eyes. Yet another parallel connecting the boy to his father despite his contempt towards the commander; and at the same time, different.

"He's so gentle..."

His eyes drifted back towards hers. "I-I'm not sure." He stuttered to himself aloud. "It looks a little red..."

He swiveled around haphazardly when he caught sight of the kitchen sink.

"Oh! Here."

Rei, felt warmth across run across her back as Shinji rushed her towards the sink. Time skipped her for a moment.

"Just put some water on it!"

"Ok." Rei snapped out of it feeling the contrast of the cool rushing water against her burned hand, and the returning warmth from Shinji's touch that guided it.

After a minute, the noozel squeaked off, and Rei retreated her hand from Shinji's grasp. It was a little swollen, but the redness had been reduced considerably. She flecked her palm. The movement stung slightly, but it was far from a deterrent from piloting EVA.

Shinji slumped down against the wall next to catch his breath. He sighed. "It'll sting when you get in the tub." He remarked absently; only to find himself chuckling nervously at the realization of what he had just said, far too exhausted to make a scene about it.

Rei stood across from him. His mannerisms reminding her of the that night following the defeat of the fifth angel. He wasn't crying, but she could detect a similar emotion being displayed here. She just couldn't quite put her finger on it. why was he acting like this, and how should she react?

"You should try smiling."

Rei stroked her twice injured hand casting her crimson gaze to the floor. She felt that familiar warmth radiating from her cheeks.

Shinji tilted his head to the side. He bent down peering at her for a closer look. "Rei?"

She met Shinji's gaze just inches away, and shook her head. "No," she assured him softly. "It's fine." "Thank you."

Shinji blushed upon seeing the corners of her light lips lift into a gracious smile. She remembered.

Rei found herself tucking a strand of her light blue hair behind her ear creating yet another mystery for her to solve regarding the incentricities of human body language which continued to allude her. She still felt a twinge of dull pain emanating from her scarcely used face muscles. It felt silly. Another chilling clue pointing to a dark suspicion that lingered deep inside her; haunting her.

Shinji turned his attention to the vacated pot on the stove, next to the lonely little cook book. 

"She must have been working hard."

His eyes flickered towards Rei, again. Her crimson ones so calloused by her time at NERV, Were softer than before as she fumbled her hands quietly against the folds of her uniform.

"Rei," He said getting her attention. She didn't answer, opting instead to acknowledge him through eye contact. Shinji, shambled his way over to the stove. All the anxiety he had felt about the events to come fleeting him. With all the excitement of Rei's burned hand, he felt as though he had just survived a brush with an Angel. He took a deep breath. This wasn't going to be easy.

"I came here today to help you with the cooking." He admitted leaning over the stove. His back turned to her.

Rei blinked. She took a few steps closer. "Did you think I was incapable of preparing a meal by myself?" The inflection in her voice wavered a bit.

Shinji rested his fingertips on his  forehead. "Of course not." He assured her. "You can thank Asuka for that."

Rei's red eyes widened at this. "The pilot of  Unit 2?" She asked.

"Yes." His back was still turned to her. He didn't know if he dared to look. He didn't want her to think he was Asuka's wiping boy, but he wasn't ready to admit the depth of his reason either. Even so, his last eyes couldn't help, but wander. He stole a glance over his shoulder. Her composure was lost in genuine surprise.

Rei brushed her shoulder. The warmth she felt as Shinji nursed her injuries had left her. No, there was something else, she could tell. "Is that all?" She asked.

Shinji swung his head around. Now it was his turn to act surprised. Did she know about how he really felt? His face flush bright red, nearly matching the set of eyes which pierced through him. He hesitated. "No, not exactly..." He explained. "I guess it's just..what people do."

Rei didn't know exactly what he meant by this, but she found comfort in hearing that. The first child simply nodded, reflecting on these emotions as shinji guided her through preparing a three-course meal. If that was what people outside of NERV were really like, she wouldn't mind being apart of their lives just a little bit more, not just as a pilot, but as Rei Ayanami. Whoever she may be.
What will happen during the dinner party? will Rei be able to salvage the meal, and how does Gendo feel about all of this? Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out!

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