Part 2

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A/N: Welcome to another part of RWBY: Jaune, warrior of mankind. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, it's just that I've been preoccupied with other projects. Anyways enjoy the read.


Jaune woke up to the smell of the fresh forest air, the blinding sunlight poured in from the lush green trees above. Jaune rose slowly, he looked around his surroundings with half-lidded eyes. He had no idea why was here and how he got here retracing his steps from yesterday. The memories of the day before came flooding in. his expression went from tired to shock and finally panic, had someone kidnapped him? Where was he? He stood up in a fit of panic.

Desperately searching around answers he scuttled around the small campground. There was a burnt-out fire in the middle with his sleeping bag off to the side, confirming his suspicions there was another sleeping back right across from him, currently occupied. Jaune froze in fear, not thinking straight he grabbed a stick nearby and rushed towards the person. Screaming a war cry he went on attack intent on knocking him out.

In a second Jaune froze as he felt the cold steel of a sword on his neck, he looked down in horror as the sword cut into his skin allowing for a small thin cut inflicted on his neck. "Is that how you treat someone who saved your life?" A voice spoke. Jaune hesitatingly looked up to face the speaker. The man was a tall man from ancient Anima descent, he was reminiscent to certain regions around Remnant such as Kuroyuri and similar to well-known huntress families such as the lie family.

Jaune's eyes were on the verge of crying, tears welled in the edges he spoke with fear quivering in his voice, "P-please don't k-kill me." Jaune was currently at the mercy of this man he couldn't do anything as he slowly felt the sword diverge deeper and deeper into his skin. To Jaune's relief, the sword left his neck, releasing him from the man's grasp. He turned to face the man, sheathing his sword the man looked at Jaune with his striking black eyes.

Now Jaune could get a better look at him he could fully distinguish his details, he was dressed in a samurai manner, ancient warriors of Mistral and some parts of Vale that died out with the appearance of huntresses. However, samurai were only comprised of women, seeing a male samurai was something to behold. Jaune guessed for him to be in his mid-50s with whiting hair on his top knot.

"You have much to learn Young one, We will need to start training right now. But first, Breakfast." He said nonchalantly ignoring Jaune's bewildered face as he grabs a dead boar out from the foliage. Jaune was still shaken about all this, a random man nearly tries to kill him but decides to cook breakfast for him? "Come on, you need to be energized for the day ahead." He called out to Jaune beckoning at Jaune while he chomps at the Boar raw.

Jaune reluctantly shuffled over to the man, he took the knife the man gave him. Barely cutting into the skin, blood oozed out of the body spilling it all over Jaune's hands. Barely 15 minutes since Jaune awoke, he was out cold again. Ichira seethed a heavy sigh, he grabbed a bucket of cold water and doused it on Jaune. "You have a long way to go, young master," Ichira said to himself while Jaune jolted awake shivering in the cold.

Arc Estate

"Mobilize all of the Arcadian Police force if we have to! We have to find Jaune Arc!"June shouted into the Scroll, she threw the scroll in a fit of fury somehow staying intact after leaving a brutal bruise in the walls of her bedroom. "Why here? Why now?" June whimpered as she cried on the edge of her bed, Jaune was the key to many good relations with the other states in the kingdom of Vale.

Arcadia Coast was one of the 4 major states that covered Vale, Patch Island controlled by the rose-Branwen line, Valhalla's mountains governed by the Stormtraghs and the Winchesters and Vale city itself in the heart of the land which doesn't have a monarch line. This system is the same for all of the 5 kingdoms, Vale, Menagerie, Atlas, Vacuo and Mistral June's scroll rang from the other side of the room, picking it up she shivered in fear as she recognised the caller id.

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