Chapter 29: Reunited

Start from the beginning

" I guess in a way he feels like he will get the chance to redeem himself." Robert guessed

"WHAT? You're supposed to be the Dr.Phil of the group and you're guessing!" Jess exclaimed

"JERRY, JERRY, JERRY!" Brendon chanted

"Shut up Brendon" Jess laughed

" I never said I was the Dr.Phil." Robert laughed

"JERRY, JERRY, JERRY!" Brendon chanted again

"LOOK OUT!" Robert screamed

Robert swerved the car and caused Brendon and Jess to scream out in surprise. Robert laughed victoriously as color slowly came back to Brendons face. He looked back to see Jess clutching the seat frozen in fear. Brendon growled at Robert an punched him in the arm.

"Wheres Jacob?" Jess asked

Robert looked in the rear view mirror and didn't see Jacob at all.


A Humvee slammed into the rear end of the car almost causing it to spin out of control. Robert cringed as bullets hit the back of the car. Luckily Jess had rolled to the floor. Robert glanced in the mirror and saw those dreaded letters. ACU was printed on the hood of the Humvee and luckily this one did'nt have a 50 CAL or else they would be mincemeat. The soldier coming out of the gunner hole had a light machine gun. Robert yelled at Jess to grab the MP5 under the seat.

She clicked the safety of and returned fire while Brendon drew out his his P99. The Humvee was gaining on them.

"GO FOR THE TIRES" Robert yelled as he swerved again

Brendon leaned out of the window and aimed. The passenger ACU soldier came to his senses and aimed out of the window with an assault rifle. Robert swerved again, an the bullet that was meant for Brendon missed. Luckily Brendon was aiming for the tires, and when Robert swerved he ended up hitting the passenger soldier instead. Jess was doing a good job of keeping that gunner under check too. The Humvee slammed into the back again.

Jess began to fire on the Driver now while while Brendon went for the tires. The Humvee driver began to swerve as the bullets cracked up his windshield. Then the unthinkable happened. Two more Humvee joined the chase. Brendon slapped another fresh mag in his handgun. He yelled something but Robert didn't hear. Jess began to claw the back seat open dragging the opening for the trunk out. She grabbed the Uzi and some more mags for her gun.

Brendon laid down fire and popped a Humvee tire. The monster of a vehicle just kept lurching forward. 



A white hot slice of pain filled Roberts head. A bullet had grazed the side of his shoulder. Jess handed Brendon the crate of bottles with rags in them. Each had a special message written on them by Micheal. The one Brendon was lighting up said Burn Baby Burn.  He tossed it as a Humvee came lurching closer and closer. The Humvee was showered in fire and the one behind it swerved out of the way.

The next Humvee in line came closer and Jess had a hard time of driving it back. Robert now saw that they had numbers on them  7, 9, and 22. Robert moved as 7 and 22 tried to pincer maneuver him. The two Humvees crashed together making a large slam. Brendon yelled for a fresh mag and he saw that Brendon was cut up. The flying glass had flew like razors, and Robert knew they all had cuts on them. He grabbed his P99 and began to shoot too, switching from shooting to driving.

Soon his mag ran out. He dropped his P99 and tried to floor the gas pedal as far as it would go. He reached speeds of 115 miles per hour. The armored Humvee keeping up.Jess ran out of MP ammo and 7s gunner began to pepper the rear of the car. 9 slowly worked its way up. 22 had burn marks over the hood and the windshield shot up. The passenger was still hanging out the window and the gunner was reloading his weapon.

Brendon handed Jess the lighters so she could throw the molotovs. 9's gunner combined with 7's gunner were destroying the rear of the car but thanks to a thick trunk and the seat Jess was unharmed. The back window and the windshield were different stories. Robert grabbed his P99 and began to bust open the windshield so he could see.

Jess tossed another molotov this one saying This Coke is On Fire. It shattered against 22's windshield and this time 22 swerved violently. Robert passed through an exit onto a small town hoping to lose the Humvees, but the Humvees were still on the trail. 22 had regained control.

"WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN!" Jess screamed

She lit two molotovs and hurled them at 22. 22 swerved and missed both fireballs. Jess had depleted her molotovs. Robert tossed his P99 back there and all of his mags. Jess took it thankfully and Brendon tossed her his and all his mags. Jess passed him the last four Uzi mags and  laid down fire on 22. She duel wielded both handguns but when the heavy guns got too much she dropped one so she could be more accurate. When that ran out she hurled it at 7's windshield when it got too close. Robert swerved and screeched around a corner, passing a gas station.

"LIGHT "EM UP BRENDON" Robert bellowed

The explosion of the gas station was breath taking. Jess still was laying down fire even though she couldn't see anymore. Apparently they were on a lucky streak today. 9 was nowhere to be seen supposedly getting caught in the explosion and 7's gunner was dead. That annoyance that was 22 still kept ramming them. The driver now not having to slow down for his gunners to aim, sped up starting an onslaught of ramming.  Robert knew hat time was short that they could'nt outrun them. the bullets from 7's passenger were getting closer to the gas tank every minute.

Robert saw a drop ahead of them and yelled for everyone to get buckled up. He was about two hundred yards away and he began to count the yards down.

When he was about one hundred yards away he realized 22 stopped shooting.


They were blindsided. Glass was everywhere as well as metal. Robert was barely conscious. He looked back and saw Brendon crawling out of the car, and then collapsing on the ground. Jess was lying in the back unconscious but okay from the looks. Robert reached for the door handle and tried to open it. Then he realized they were hit on his side and that he was lucky to be alive. The door was stuck but was slightly open. He began to try to kick the door open and after three kicks-


The door fell on the concrete. The Humvees were nowhere to be seen and neither was whatever hit them. He saw the P99 a few yards away and tried to limp there. He fell and landed on the pavement. He heard a Humvee pulling up, and instead of wasting time getting up he crawled towards the handgun. He was just about to reach it when a boot kicked him over.

"I told you I would kill you." A soldier said

A boot came towards his face and everything went to black. 

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