Chapter 2

427 18 15

Nov. 14th

Garroth's POV

I sat down in my room, kinda feeling bad. I mean, I just got mad at him, and we all know that Laurance doesn't think rationally all the time.

He's probably mad at me too. I would be. It doesn't help that he's got a small case of anger issues.

My stomach growled and I gripped it, upset that I didn't grab something to eat. I'm definitely not going down there right now anyways. I can wait. I can lay on my phone in the meantime.


I look at the time. 


I still don't know if enough time has passed. It really doesn't matter. I should at least run to grab something so I can go to bed not hungry.  I stood and switched on my lights, opening the door. On the other side, was a tired, baggy eyed Laurance with his fist out towards the door. He was obviously fixing to knock. He looked shocked that I was up, and he pulled his hand back and dropped it. That's when I noticed the steaming pizza on a paper plate.

"H-Hey... I-I didn't know you we-were up."

"Welcome to the Stutter-Club, Laurence." I said, hugging him. I was glad he came to talk.

I practically pushed him into my room, refusing the requests of letting me eat in peace.

As soon as I sat down at the edge of my bed, Laurence sat beside me and handed me my pizza, still hot. I scarfed it down and tried to ignore Laurance's stares as he watched.

"So... Are you mad at me? For what I- uh did, back there?"

I smiled at him and shook my head, making his shoulders relax from the tense position I had just noticed they were in. "As much as I was embarrassed, I'm fine. I lived, didn't I?"

He tilted his head with a small smirk on his face. "I dunno. You look a little pale to me. You need some sun." He poked my cheek and I swatted it away, a blush growing on my face.

"Sh-Shut up." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, making my heart pound. "What are you doing?"

"I want cuddles, and I'm definitely not going to Dante and Travis for it. Irene knows what would happen if I told them that."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Yeah, they'd flip out. Probably go tell the whole neighbor hood you're gay or some shit."

A smirk grew on his face as he tightened his grip on me. "And what if I was?"

"You'd still be the same person. We'd just know more about you." His grin turned genuine and his features softened.

It's not like you'll ever be, though.

"Thanks Gar. You mean so much to me, you have know idea."

"You have no idea either."

Laurance retracted his hand and grabbed his phone. "Wanna watch videos?"

"Yeah. Let's do that."

He handed me his phone and I searched some old vines to reminisce on. We watched several videos, and by the time the third one rolled around, Laurance was lightly snoring, hands still around my waist.

I lifted him into my own bed. He needs the rest, and I'm not going all the way to his room. I kissed his forehead and laid long-ways at the end of the bed, in the floor. I turned my phone alarm off, not wanting to wake him up with it. I fell asleep in the floor, with nothing to warm me of the cold wood.

Laurence's POV

The sunlight beamed into the room, making my eyes shy away from the light. I groaned and sat up.

Where am I? Last I remember I came to give Garroth his pizza an- Oh. Oooh. I glanced around the room and down at the blue blanket draped over me. I don't remember going to bed. Did Garroth put me here?


Where-... is Garroth? 

I quickly got up, only to find him in the floor, with nothing covering him, meaning he was probably freezing. Despite him being almost the same size as me, I picked him up and laid him in bed, tucking him in. Thank Irene he didn't wake up. We stayed up at least 'till two AM.

I stared at his facial features, memorizing them as best I could. Alright, this is getting overwhelming. I need to have a little chat with Aphmau.


hey aph, can i come over?


yeah come on


thank you


Aaron is cooking breakfast. Ill tell him to make you some

I shoved my shoes on and grabbed a jacket, walking out the door.

Garroth's POV

I peeked my eyes open, hearing the front door open and close. Laurance had literally put me back in my bed. See, this is why I love this man. Of course, I knew that if he was awake last night while I put him in my bed, he would have insisted I sleep in bed with him so I wasn't stuck on the floor. As best friends, no one sees that suspicious, but as an awkward stage where I love him, and he... I don't even know, that's questionable.

I sat up and grinned. I can fix breakfast. They always beg me to do it, but I'm always too tired to do it. My feet swung off the side of my bed and I jumped up, pounding my way down the stairs and to the kitchen. I'm pretty sure Dante and Travis are still in bed, and Laurance left not 10 minutes ago, so it can be a surprise for all of them.

I cheered silently and grabbed a few things out of the fridge and cabinets. This is going to be a big breakfast.


Word Count: 973

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