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Carly (POV)

I was alone for the first time since the zombie apocalypse started.

- Flashback -

"Were here" My Nanny says.


Was printed on a sign. You couldn't see anything else except a big brick wall.

" What is it?" I ask

My nanny smiles and replies " This is were we are gonna stay. It's safe for young people like you and old people like me."

A man turns the corner and smiles.

" Hello. " He says.

my pawpaw taps my shoulder

" Come with me. You can help me carry these bags."

I nod and follow him while the man and my nanny talk. I pick up the smallest bag and my pawpaw picks up the other. The bag I was holding had water and food in it. I've never looked or ever known what was in the other bag. It was much bigger than mine and it looked pretty heavy. My pawpaw grunts as he lifts the bag over his shoulder and puts the strap on.

" Ready? " he asks.

I nod and we walk back over to Nanny.


I am brought out of my thoughts buy a stick breaking. I frantically look around and hide behind a tree. A squirrel runs up the tree in front of me followed by another. I get back up relieved it wasn't a walker. I sat down on a tree stump and put down my bag and the green one. The same one my pawpaw had. It wasn't as big anymore but still kind of heavy for a 9 year old. I sat it down in front of me and stared at it. Why am I scared to open it? I finally slowly unzip it and look inside. There were a total of 5 guns. 3 were small and the other 2 were big and long. There was also several boxes of bullets and 2 knives. I grab the smallest knife and put it in between my belt.


I look around and duck behind the stump. There's a walker and it's coming towards me. I slowly take my knife out hoping it wouldn't see me but just in case it did. I've never actually killed a walker before. I've only seen them get killed by other people.

It grabs my arm I let out a scream and drop my knife. I walk backwards and fall over my bag and the walker topples on top of me. I try to shove, push, kick, and everything I can to get it off me but nothing works. I can feel its breath on me and as I get weaker, it gets stronger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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