"To confront my little sister as to why the fuck she is back with that asshole of a person, Ashton." He wasted no time responding, almost sounding rehearsed, but his anger masking the preparation he probably did on the flight over. "Were you going to tell me? Or were you satisfied with dad and I finding out through magazine covers?"

It was not a thought that crossed my mind to finally explain to my mother why Ashton was suddenly around again nor was it a thought that crossed my mind to discuss this with my other family - Dad and Xander. For that fact that I'd been caught up in my only bubble, too busy and distracted to burst it to warn anyone of what was going on and yet I had the time to flat out tell Francis like it wasn't a big deal. It was a bigger deal than I played it out to be, particularly when the two most important men in my life loath the only reoccurring thing in my life.

"I'll explain!" But I felt like no explanation was deserved after him barging in. Locks were definitely going on the list to be changed. With my spontaneous decision to move out of a place that had nothing to offer me anymore, Xander flew over to help me move and also to sneak a copy of the key to the new place, which he gifted me a key to his house that I would not need because I avoided any more trips to California.

"I don't need you to explain, T! I need you to take me to wherever Ashton is so I can kick his ass. I'm not going to let him back in your life because his marriage didn't work out. I'm not letting him win you back so easily."

"Xander," I sighed. "Lets try to be reasonable for a second and bear in mind that you are the farthest thing from a violent person. You cried for two hours when you accidentally stepped on a cats tail when you were eight."

"Why try to be reasonable when there's a dickhead on the loose trying to brainwash my sister back into his trap?!"

"If all you came for was to yell at me and try to hurt someone, then I advise you to catch the next flight back to California, because I don't have time to hear anyone else's bullshit."

"I didn't come up here just for those reasons, but when I overhear people on the plane talking about my sister and her supposed-to-be ex-boyfriend, it kind of changed my mind on what my initial motives were."

"People talk, you just have to choose not to listen." I crossed my arms. "What were your initial motives of being here?"

"Coincidentally, Sofia got a job offer here in the city, so she sent me to search for an apartment. If I find something nice then it's a done deal, we're moving here." He sighed. "Now that I know where I can find Ashton, it gives me more motivation to find an apartment, even if it costs both of my balls, so I can be here to keep him away from you."


"And don't tell me you're trying your best to stay away from him, because we all know you aren't. When it comes to Ashton, you just can't stay away."

"I'm sorry, but I refuse to listen to someone who didn't decide to get his shit together until Sofia came along. I'm not taking advice from someone who spent all of high school probably fucking every plastic thing living in Malibu!"

"I didn't wholly believe Luke when he'd said you changed, that you've turned into this monster, but now I believe it. Now that I'm experiencing this firsthand you're ten times worse than what Luke explained you to be."

"Oh, so, you and Luke are talking about me behind my back now?" I shot back sarcastically.

"I'm surprised more people aren't, considering the sudden diva-guts you've acquired." Xander rolled his eyes.

What the hell was "diva-guts" and how did he come up with that?

"If it's a problem, then you know your way to the door." I turned around ready to storm off, but he stopped me.

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