Chapter 4

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A few months later.....

          It had been almost four months since the "color blind" incident, but Ash could not stopping thinking about those unnatural gold eyes. But also, why he was the only one who seemed to see them. He shook his head as he headed down for breakfast. It was the first day of school and he was finally a junior. "Good morning, Ash," Marian called from the kitchen. "Moring, Mom," Ash replied. As he sat on the chair, a heavenly aroma of warm, buttery pancakes and toasted bacon filled the air. Ash breathed in and smiled.

          "Morning, Mom. Hey, Ash," Violet sat down next to him with a plate full of pancakes and bacon while she held steaming milk in a mug.

          After a nice, filling breakfast, Ash and Violet walked into their school and whispered to each other, "Good luck," and smiled before going their separate ways. Ash walked into his first class and groaned when he saw Carter, his gang of boys, and...... Kiera.

          The history classroom was kind of small and had two long, wooden desks on each step that were about four feet away from each other. The room had an old, papery smell to it, probably from all the textbooks they had to read. Ash groaned again, history was his least favorite class, but he just had to have it first. Ugh. There were about four steps in the classroom and each desk fit two people. He had only sixteen kids in his class this year. Sweet.

          Each desk had two sticky notes with names on them. Ash walked over to the second step and sat down in the far left of the desk. He kept glancing over at Kiera who was on the fourth step on the right side.

          "Good morning class. I am Mrs. Belrose and I'll be your history teacher this year," Mrs. Belrose said. She was tall and scrawny with dark brown hair and brown eyes that were squinted under her purple glasses. "Yes, Miss Free," Mrs. Belrose asked. Ash turned back to see that Kiera was raising her hand with an anxious look on her striking face.

          "Mrs. Belrose, I would like to move up closer to the front of the classroom, so I can focus better," Kiera stole a glance at Ash for a quick second, but refocused on Mrs. Belrose. "Very well. You can sit next to... hm.... lets see... ah, Mr. Corshine. Miss Free you can take the seat next to him." Kiera smiled and sent a quick nod, but Ash silently cursed. When she sat down, Ash glared into her golden eyes while Kiera sent a sweet smile towards him.

          "Ah, sorry I'm late," Stella burst through the door, her hair was in a rushed fishtail, but she still looked pretty in her jeans and crop top. "I had trouble finding my way around because someone," she eyed Ash, and he mouthed sorry with wide eyes, "forgot to bring me to my first class." Mrs. Belrose sighed and sent Stella to her seat which was right behind Ash. Ten minutes into class Ash felt something thrown at his head, and he turned to see Stella glaring at him while she mouthed, meet me after class. Ash responded by giving Stella a guilty nod. As Ash was turning around to face the board again he caught Kiera staring at him. He scooted a little further away from Kiera then looked at the back of Mrs. Belrose's head.

          After a long 45 minutes of historic review, Ash speed-walked outside and let out a heavy sigh. "Ash!" Stella shouted and made her way to Ash with a her hands on her hips, "You forgot. I even reminded you before school." Ash gave her a guilty smile, "I know. How can I make it up to you? Anything you want." Stella's face immediately glowed when Ash said the last sentence. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it when she saw Kiera walk towards Ash.

          "Kiera," Stella's smile was gone and she replaced it with a sneer. "Hello, Stella. I just wanted to talk to Ash. Once your conversation is done, of course," Kiera replied sweetly. She seemed to be completely oblivious to Stella's sneer or she was just ignoring it. 

          Ash stood in the middle of the two girls uncomfortably, so he decided to break the silence before he was late to his second class. "You go on, Stella. We'll meet at lunch," Ash turned so he was completely facing Kiera's breathtaking face.

          "Do my eyes still look golden to you?" Kiera whispered after Stella had stomped off. "Yes," Ash responded, feeling awkward by their close proximity. Kiera was on her tiptoes, so her mouth was close to Ash's ear. Her breath was warm like a summer morning and it smelled strongly of cinnamon. Kiera took a small step back and examined Ash before grinning and saying, "Meet me at the field after school." Then she turned without waiting for Ash's response. 

          Ash stared at Kiera walking away with a confused look on his face, and before he walked to his next class, he caught a whiff of Kiera's buttery, gingerbread scent. 

           Ash thought, she is one kind of girl, and walked to his next class.

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