"Aww, what a sickening sight to see."

Luca and I pull apart and he turns to look at Finn Bailey who is standing a mere six feet away from us.

"What do you want, Finn?" Luca asks, boredom clearly noticeable in his voice. "You know all too well that you shouldn't be anywhere near us right now."

"Easy, Luca. I just came to see if your fiancée was alright. She did rush out of the courtroom rather quickly and I-"

"Wanted to gloat about something?" Luca butts in. "In case you've forgotten, it's your wife who has caused all of this here. If you wanted to stick it to me, maybe you shouldn't have married a woman so hellbent on trying to make good people seem like the bad guys."

"Woah, easy there, Luca." Finn holds his arms up in surrender. "I'm not that much of a nasty person. I do have a heart and I do care for others."

Luca scoffs. "I doubt that very highly."

"Hey, regardless of what's gone on between the two us over the years, I seriously think your fiancée needs to see someone. She doesn't look well at all and I'm not saying this to get inside your head. Heck, Nadia doesn't even know I'm here because she'd hit the roof."

"If you're that scared of your own wife, then maybe you should consult a lawyer to get a divorce."

"Luca, I'm trying to be civil here. Your fiancée really needs-"

"I think I know what my fiancée needs and it sure as hell isn't you here interrupting a private conversation."

Finn looks past Luca to me, a concerned look clear as day written over his face. "Are you sure you're-"

"Back off, Bailey." Luca says as a warning.

Carlo moves to stand between Luca and Finn, holding each arm to prevent the two men from getting any closer to each other.

Finn rolls his eyes and steps back. "Fine. Be that way but I seriously think your fiancéeneeds to go and see a doctor. She really doesn't look too good."

Finn walks away and Luca waits until he's gone out of sight before turning to look at me. One of his hands cups the side of my face and the other presses lightly over my forehead.

"Kaylee, you're burning up and you've gone pale." He removes his hand from my forehead and holds it out to Carlo who places his phone in it. "I hate to admit this but Finn's right." He scrolls through his contacts and holds the phone to his ear when he finds the contact he's looking for. "I'm going to take you to the doctors."

"Luca, you can't just leave in the middle of the trial." I pull at his hand that's holding the phone. "Luca, please don't. I'll be fine. I'll go and see a doctor another day. Please."

"No, Kaylee." He removes my hand from his wrist and steps away. "You're more important to me than this whole trial. I don't care what it means for me but you're my priority." He turns his back to me and starts speaking into the phone. "Hi, I'd like an emergency appointment for my fiancée to come and see Dr. Ward."

I groan and lean against the pillar Jones is still standing by.

I don't want to go and see a doctor right now. I want to get this day over with then I can think of going to see someone once I've had time to regenerate my strength. I also don't want Luca to find out that we're going to have a baby like this. I can't do that to him when he has so much riding on this court case. He needs to be here whether he likes it or not.

The sound of a man clearing his throat not far from us has Luca looking in the man's direction to see who it is.

"We're due back in," Giles announces.

"Yes, that's fine. We'll be in as soon as possible," Luca confirms before ending the call and giving his phone back to Carlo. He shakes his head at Giles. "I'm not going back in. Kaylee's not feeling well and I'm going to take her to see a doctor."

"Unfortunately, Luca, you can't leave." Giles tells him. Luca frowns. "Don't give me that look. I know how much you want to be with your fiancée after everything that's happened over the weekend but you can't just walk out in the middle of the trial. I can get Kaylee excused on medical grounds because her injuries from the car accident are still fresh."

"But I can't be because I'm a key member to this trial," Luca finishes, clearly defeated. He looks out at the photographers who have their cameras pointed in our direction. "I don't want Artwell calling her to the stand again. I know he'll be planning to but I don't want her taking the stand again."

"I'll get everything sorted so he doesn't."

"And I want all the photos those photographers have taken of us out here dealt with."

"Consider it done," Giles supports.

Luca moves to me and places a lingering kiss on my forehead before leaning his head against mine. "I'll meet you back at the apartment as soon as I'm finished here. I love you."

"Love you, too." I whisper.

He walks away with Carlo following behind. He's not happy at the situation but there's nothing he can do about it. He needs to be here and clearly, I need to be at a doctors surgery to be checked over.

"He doesn't know, does he?" Giles asks.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"About?" I draw out.

"About the fact that you're pregnant," he says with a gentle smile.

I stare at him and my body tenses up.

How did he know that? Was I that obvious with my actions when on the stand? If he knows, do others know? Does Luca know but he's keeping quiet about it? Even worse? Does Nadia know and that's why she came outside?


"Each one of us has our traits. Calvin is the interrogator. Degory ties up loose ends and closes the cases. I look at the body language witnesses give off. You, my dear, have given off clear signs of someone who is pregnant. And judging by your hidden but noticeable hand movements to a trained eye, you've just found out."

I relax and give him a tight nod as confirmation to his words.

"Just before we went into the courtroom," I admit.

"And when are you planning on telling Luca?"

"I-I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead."

"May I suggest you wait until after the case is over? We only have Jones, Luca and Nadia left to question and then the jury will give their verdict before the judge gives her ruling."

"And when will all of that happen?"

"Jones is due to take the stand tomorrow along with Luca. The last will be Nadia on Wednesday. Hopefully, all going well, we should be wrapped up by Thursday. Friday at the latest."

"I'm scared about going to see the doctor. Even more so because it's Luca's doctor." I worry.

"Don't be," he assures. "They're bound by doctor-patient confidentiality. They're not allowed to say a thing to Luca even if he begs them to."

I nod and press my lips firmly together. "Thank you, Giles."

"Not a problem." He smiles and takes my hand in his. He squeezes it before rubbing the back of it. "This is good news, Kaylee. Luca will be thrilled at the news. It'll give him something good to look forward to."

I smile.

I know he will but I just hope it's not come at the worst moment in time for us and our relationship.

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