Muttering angrily I threw myself onto the bed and screamed into a pillow, trying to get out my frustration. A few moments later, the door opened and I felt the bed shift next to me. 

"Nick I don't want to talk, get the fuck out."

Someone poked my side, "Momma?" 

My head snapped up and I hit my forehead with my hand, "I'm sorry baby I thought you were- I didn't know it was you." She just wiped at the tears in my face with her tiny hands. 

"Why are you crying momma?" 

I forced myself to smile, "Sometimes I just get sad, just like you do." 

Mac curled into my side and hugged me, "I don't like it when you're sad." 

I returned the embrace and she stroked my hair, copying what I did when she was upset. Soon, the tears started up again and I cried into her shoulder. I hated her seeing me like this, but right now all I needed was to be comforted. Soon, I stopped shaking and rubbed at my eyes. Mac sat on my thighs as I pushed myself up in the bed and pulled her into my arms. 

"I love you momma." 

I smiled, "I love you too babygirl, always." 

She frowned suddenly, "What's a divorce?" 

I furrowed my brow, "When did you hear that word?" 

She shrugged, "Maddie said it." 

I sighed, "Well it happens when two people who are married stop getting along and they fight alot. They live in separate houses and act like they never loved each other." 

Mac nodded understandingly, "Are you and Dada gonna get a divorce?" 

My breath caught, "Why would you think that?" 

She looked at her hands, mumbling, "Because you guys fight alot, and you cry alot when Dada is mean." 

I smiled reassuringly, "Dada and I can't get a divorce because we're not married. People like us breakup when they stop loving each other, but I love your daddy very much, and he loves me. So we're not going to breakup anytime soon." 

She nodded with a smile, but I could tell she was still worried. 

"Don't think about it baby, Nick and I are always gonna love each other." 

Her face brightened, "Are you guys gonna get married?" 

I ruffled her hair, avoiding answer to that question because right now, I didn't have a clue. 

"You're just full of questions today aren't you!" 

She rolled her eyes adorably and leaned back against my chest, "Are you still sad momma?" 

I ran my nails softly along her hair, "NO, you always cheer me up." 


        I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I heard Nick come home. His heavy footsteps came up the stairs and our door opened. 

"Are you awake?" His voice was closer than I expected, making me jump, ruining my plan of pretending to be fast asleep. 

"No." My voice was flat, and he sighed. 

"I brought you soup." 

I caught scent of the broth and immediately my stomach turned, causing me to jump up and run to the bathroom. 

"Demi do you need to go to a doctor or the hospital?" Nick asked as I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth thoroughly. 

"No, No doctors." I whispered in a small voice, "I just want to sleep." 

Silence:Forgotten- Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now