8: "Princess?"

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After explaining everything to Dylan, and her calling Lachlan and screaming at him, I was now laying on the guest bed, bored and scrolling my phone, I decided to go out. "Kyle? Dylan?" I asked walking into the hallway. "Dylan is asleep, what's up?" Kyle said walking into the hallway as well. "Is it okay if I take a tour around the city?" I asked. "Sure, just be careful." He responded walking into his room.

I walked back in to my room and texted mom quickly. "First day is going good, I'm gonna go explore a bit, I'll text you later." I texted. I threw my phone on the bed, and walked to the dresser. I pulled out a long white sleeve, black t-shirt that said 'fried' on it, a black cargo-ish skirt, and a black belt with a chain on it. I put the outfit on, along with some black combat boots. I walked to the bathroom, and did a light smokey eye with dramatic lashes, and a nude lip. I pulled my hair down and straightened it, only to put it back up, and into a high ponytail. I switched my silver studs out for bigger silver hoops, and left everything else alone.

  I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone, and a black mini book bag that I had packed

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I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone, and a black mini book bag that I had packed. I put my headphones, my id's and cards, and a bit of cash inside before heading to the kitchen. I threw a water bottle and some snacks inside before walking to Kyle and Dylan's room. "I'm leaving." I said through the door. "Okay be back before sunrise." Kyle responded. "Alright, bye!" I said before walking to my car.

I hopped in throwing my phone and bag into the passenger seat. I just drove. I figured I'd end up somewhere. I sang along with 'My Strange Addictions' by Billie Eilish and a couple of her other songs as well, when I stopped singing I realized I was at the base of a small mountain. Looks like I'm going for a hike. I pulled my bag into my lap and grabbed out my headphones. I put them in and threw my bag on my back before getting out of my car. I walked up to the gate.

There was a sign, it read, "Sunset trails, open 7 Am-9 PM daily." I checked the time, 8:30, looks like it'll be an adventure. I walked past the gate and up the trails. I eventually ended up at a small landing. I was alone, staring at the city. I sat on the bench and pulled my bag onto my lap, taking out my water bottle for a drink. Then suddenly someone sat down.

I pulled out my earbuds and asked, "Can I help you?" I looked up and was facing an extremely cute boy. He had piercing blue eyes, along with an eyebrow piercing and a few ear piercings. His hair was a dark brown, and parted in the center. While I studied his face he just smirked.

  "Done drooling over me, princess?" He asked. "I uh. Who are you?" I stuttered out. "The name is Holden. What is a pretty girl like you doing alone here, after hours of course." Shit. Security. How did I not notice his uniform. "I uh, needed a break from everything. I didn't notice the time." I said gaining a bit more confidence, realizing he was now studying my face. "No, you're absolutely fine, say does the princess have a name?" He smirked back. "Ryland." I said. "New to New York?" He asked, clearly making himself more comfortable. "Yes, but I'm just visiting my brother." I said back.

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