A New Home and a New Family

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In the shadowy realm where everything was in chaos, a horned creature sat on a throne of bones and bodies from their enemies. This being was Zalga, the ruler of the world. She and her daughters Lazari and Stripes were in control of everything that happened. One of the servants came into the throne room and bowed their head. The three of them, all seated on their individual thrones, looked at the pitiful creature. He was once an arrogant man who fought anyone he wanted, but was now reduced to a snivelling wimp forced to serve Zalga for eternity after he picked a fight with Lazari.

“Mistress, we have detected a sort of energy. It is unknown but it seems to be very powerful”, they said and Zalga thought about the advantages of having such powerful energy on her side

“Where can I find this energy?”, she asked

“It is in the body and soul of one person. I must warn you mistress, this being is dangerously unstable. His mind is very broken, and he has a tendency to attack anything on sight as a result of his broken mind. He is located at an abandoned hospital”, the being replied and Zalga sent them away. She turned to her daughters

“I need you two to find this being and bring them to me, alive”, she ordered making a portal to the hospital where the being could be found. Stripes and Lazari nodded and stood up from their thrones

“We will bring him to you at once mom”, Stripes said and she and Lazari headed through the portal. The two of them looked around carefully. Lazari heard a clattering from another room and whimpered, clinging to her sister. Stripes stroked Lazari’s head to comfort her, just as a crazed laugh echoed through the halls.

Even Stripes was now scared. The two of them noticed a trail of blood and followed it to a room with a flickering light. The two noticed the dismembered corpses of people and Lazari wanted so badly to throw up. The two then noticed a being in a corner shaking and quivering. They noticed that the being had severe wounds on their body. They weren’t from tools or anything around here, the wounds had been made by teeth. The two of them watched as the being began clawing and biting at their arms and legs, causing even more blood to spill. The being noticed the two sisters looking at them and tried to back up. They noticed the being was a young boy. His eyes were pure red and his mouth was filled with an array of razor sharp teeth.

 His eyes were pure red and his mouth was filled with an array of razor sharp teeth

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The very sight of it scared Lazari.

“Get away from me! I did nothing wrong! I don’t wanna suffer anymore. The voices say things, they want freedom”, they shouted wildly. Lazari looked at Stripes, and Stripes looked back at her sister. Stripes hesitantly approached the boy who quivered even more. She touched their shoulder and the being screamed out

“It’s ok, we won’t hurt you. We want to help”, she said gently

“That’s what Marlitan said and look at him”, the boy replied pointing to a corpse which had been reduced to bones, blood and the organs had been ripped apart. Stripes gasped at the sight but looked back at the being.

“It’s gonna be ok. Mom can help you”, she said and the being looked at her

“I have no mom, she died when I was a baby”, they said and Lazari covered her mouth in shock. Stripes sighed

“I’m so sorry about that. And I’m sorry about this”, she said gently before she knocked the boy out and hoisted them over her shoulder. She and Lazari headed back through the portal and arrived in the throne room. She placed the boy down and he slowly woke up. Zalga touched the boy on his forehead and stroked his hair. She noticed his bleeding wounds and healed them up.

“Shh, you’re safe now”, she said trying to comfort the boy

“Where am I?”, the boy asked

“Your new home. You’ll be perfectly fine here”, Stripes said and the boy began to whimper, before breaking down in tears. Zalga held him close to her and he gently beat his fists against her chest as he cried. Zalga ignored the boy’s fists against her as she didn’t feel it. Not to mention her chest was pretty tough so the boy’s fists barely had any effect on her. Eventually the boy stopped crying and Zalga looked at him

“Your mind is so broken. Stay with us, let us train you and control your insanity”, she said comfortingly and the boy sniffled

“Who are you?”, he asked

“I am Zalga. I run this realm that you live in. These are my daughters Lazari and Stripes”, she said, gesturing to her daughters. Lazari shyly waved and Stripes touched the boy’s shoulder, making him stiffen

“What’s your name?”, she asked and the boy sniffled

“I have no name. They only called me Experiment 24”, he replied

“No name, huh? How about….Y/N?”, Zalga suggested and the boy perked up

“Yes please. That sounds cool”, he said hugging Zalga. Something about this person made him feel much better and he felt his mind slowly coming back together

“Settled. Welcome to the family Y/N”, Zalga said returning the hug. Lazari walked up to Y/N

“We can show you to where you’ll be sleeping”, she said and Y/N nodded. Lazari held his hand and took him to a room where there was a large bed, windows for him to look through and plenty of books for him to read

“Beautiful room…”, he murmured and Lazari giggled

“Yeah it is. Mom wanted you to be happy to live here.”, she replied before asking something she was sure she would regret.

“Did you not have anything like this back home?”, Lazari asked and Y/N shook his head

“All I had was a cramped cell with bars and a torn blanket. Nothing else”, he said and Lazari touched his cheek gently

“It’s ok. You’re safe now. Forget that horrible past and focus on enjoying your life with us”, she said gently and Y/N hugged her

“Thank you Lazari”, he said and Lazari hugged him back

“You’re welcome”, she replied and Y/N went to the bed and rested in it. It was so warm and snug. His eyes slowly drooped and he fell asleep. Lazari giggled and kissed his forehead before she closed the door and went to see Stripes and Zalga

“How’s he doing?”, Stripes asked and Lazari smiled

“He’s in the bed resting. As soon as he laid in it, he fell asleep”, she giggled

“Let’s just hope he can contain his power. I’ve heard rumours that the power he holds gives him the ability to shoot pure black energy from his eyes, for hours!”, Stripes said with worry and Zalga pondered this

“If the rumour is true, then he can be valuable asset to us”, she replied and the three sat on their thrones to discuss what to do with Y/N.

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