blake - heartbreak

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it feels so good to be back home after a long day at work, to see your partner and be able to kiss, hold and hug them.

"Blake i'm home!" i shout. answer. wasn't he supposed to be home today? "Blake?!" i shout again. no answer again. i walk upstairs to see if he's there. i check every room, the guest room, the bathroom and the bedroom.

i walk into the bedroom and see the messed up sheets and the broken pictures on the ground. "what is this?" i whisper to myself. i look at the closet. Blake's clothes...all gone. i start to panic.

what if he left? is he coming back? "BLAKE!" I shout again knowing i'll get no answer. i run downstairs to check the living room, no sign of him.

i try to call him, text him god, i even texted Reece and George to get ahold of Blake. none of them respond. it must be nothing right? maybe he's the studio. but why are his clothes gone then?

i sit down on the couch and looked around. "where are you?"

2 days later
Blake left me.
i've been crying and screaming. looking for a way to talk to him. but he's just gone. he disappeared into thin air. and if i'm being honest i don't think he'll come back anytime soon.

today i found a pic of him and me. taken a month ago. we looked so happy..why did he leave? was it me? was i too clingy? or too distant? maybe he found someone else. maybe he did love Bailee.

i should have known. god how could i be so blind? just the way he looked at her and smiled at her...and the way he used to look and smile at me. it was different. the look he gave her had love and passion in it, and the smile he gave her had happiness and warmth in it.

and the look he gave me had dullness in it. and the smile looked forced. he doesn't want to be with me and who can blame him? have you seen Bailee? she's the whole package. and i'm just some average girl trying to find someone to love.

it was too good to be true. i just knew the day he said he loved me that it was too good to be true. but still i tried it. and we dated for 3 years. 3 years and then he disappeared.

                                 a month later

things are getting worse. its hard to hear his voice. its hard to read his old text he used to send me. but life goes on.

i open instagram and the first thing i see is Blake's profile picture on top of my screen. so he's active on social media again. thats good...i think?

i tap on his story and i see-


Bailee and him kissing. the picture captioned with 'love of my life'. i feel the tears running down my cheeks.

            i was never good enough for you.

brad simpson and nhc imagines Where stories live. Discover now