Ch.2 Partner

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Eren was more than excited for this day. He was going to the police academy in France to pursue his dream. He held onto his form with his schedule and his dorm room number.

When he made it to his dorm he sees a young boy who could not have been older than 19. " Hi, i'm Marco" the freckled boy smiled and Eren introduced himself. " Eren " "Hello Eren , is this your first time at the academy ? " The fre- Marco asked. " Yea , and you ?" . The boy shook his head " nope , this is my second year here in the academy. You get the bed on the left . I can show you around if you would like " " Sure." Eren replied trying not to be rude to his new roommate.

As Marco showed Eren around he introduced him to many of his friends. " This is jean , he is my boyfriend here at the academy don't let him get to you . On the inside he's a squishy fluffy person who just needs love." Jean shot a glare at Marco " I am not squishy." he protested and huffed away." What's his problem ?" Eren asked. "He just gets this way sometimes , he gets jealous easy."

Marco now looking sad as if he had offended Eren starts again and goes on with the tour. As they make their way through a long corridor Eren stops at the sight of something. " What the hell are you staring at brat ?" A man with raven hair asked Eren." N-nothing sir." Eren was stuck in a gaze at the beautiful man. " Officer levi." The man interrupted and moved on but turned back to say." Don't get In trouble if you do it's my ass." " Yes sir" Marco replied. After that Marco carried Eren away by the wrist.

"Who was that?" Eren asked. "Officer Levi , be careful not to piss him off Eren he will make your life hell." Levi , top ranking Officer of the school his sister Mikasa was top ranking detective of her class. She was brilliant and everyone knew it.

Time skip ~~~~ later that day

"So you met him ?" Armin was very excited to hear that his best friend had me his "idol. Armin had heard about Levi a couple years ago he graduated best in his class from high school at fifteen with his sister, immediately he had enrolled in the school. Levi was from the same part of town in France Armin had came from and Armin had always envied him."Yea I met him why does it matter , he's an ass anyways." "He is not he's just miss understood." "Sure."

Levi's POV

"I hope those dumb shits don't get me In trouble." Levi could not get the incident out of his head. He couldn't get the amber eyes kid out of his head is more like it.Levi couldn't help but feel a little attracted to the kid who looked like he was a lost dog.He couldn't stand it.

Time skip~~~~~ initiation sermon

"Today you will get your elder partner , you two will be on the field." The principle of the school had set every freshman up with a senior to teach them the ranks.After he had named everyone but Eren with their partner. " Jaeger you are with Officer.Levi." Eren's heart dropped , he was going to be partners with the hard ass of the school.

Eren's POV

"Shit" I whispered to myself Levi was glaring at me with those piercing eyes that cold dead face of disgust.I Eren Jaeger had to be partners with the man who called me an asshole . I don't want to do this but I have to.And hey it's not all bad , he is still really fucken hot.

Levi's POV

I can't help but feel bad for the kid , he's gonna get the time of his life with me. Now that we're partners I'm gonna be the hardass people know me to be. I smirked a bit , the brat is gonna know what this job is all about and I'm gonna teach it to him. But hey it's not all bad he is kindove cute.

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