7: "Lemme know if I needa kick someone's ass"

Start from the beginning


I woke to my phone going off. I checked the time, 1 PM. Damn I slept in. I rolled over, Mya was now gone, she probably went home. I rolled back over to see who texted me. "Hey sis, heard what happened, lemme know if I need to kick someone's ass" A text from Kyle. "Thx bro, would it be chill if I came and visited for a few days?" I responded. Anything to be away from this house. "Sure sis, just let mom and dad know, I'll tell Dyl to get the guest room ready, cya soon!" He texted back. Yes, this is perfect.

I got up from bed, as soon as I stood, my head hurt. I stumbled to my bathroom searching for the few pills of Advil I keep hidden in there. I grabbed the glass next to my sink filling it and taking the Advil. I stripped of my hoodie and underwear and walked to the shower. I cleaned myself feeling very dirty from the cliff last night. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I walking into my room and saw Lachlan on my bed. "Get the hell out of my room, and never come back in." I said trying to keep my cool. "But I-" "GET OUT" I screamed cutting him off. Tears threatened at my eyes, but I blinked them back. He isn't worth it. I walked in my closet and began putting and outfit together.

I pulled out a matching lace bra and underwear set from Victoria Secret, followed by a pair of black jeans, a over sized black hoodie, that I layered a striped t-shirt over. I slipped on a pair of black vans that had a flame on them. I walked into my bathroom and pulled my hair up into a messy hair. I decided to keep it all natural today, so I skipped the makeup, I threw in some basic silver studs, and switched my septum piercing  a silver hoop.

  I walked to the kitchen, ignoring everyone on the way

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I walked to the kitchen, ignoring everyone on the way. "Hey Sweetie" Mom dared to be the first one who greeted me. "Hi mom, is it cool if I go visit Kyle for a few days, he said yes, but to ask you." I asked, grabbing an apple and making coffee. "Yes, Sweetie. I'll tell your father. Just remember to check in. Will you be driving, or are you gonna fly?" She asked. "I'm gonna drive, I'll be careful, and it's cheaper." I started to make myself a latte. "Ok sweetie, are you leaving today then." She asked. So many questions. "Ya, I'll be leaving in a few hours." I responded. "Ok dear, I'll tell your father now, but one last question, who brought you and Mya home last night?" I instantly froze when she asked.

"I um actually don't know, but he knew who we were, he was familiar to us, but we couldn't figure it out." I said, leaving out details she didn't need to know. "Ya, you were drunk, I didn't expect much." She flat out said. "MOM!" I said, a bit louder than intended. "It's ok hun, I won't tell your father, you deserve to have a good time after that party." She smiled and exited the kitchen. I finished my apple and latte and went to my room to pack.

I began packing. I'll only be there for a week at most. I grabbed all the basics. I went to grab my vape. But I couldn't find it. Then I remembered the guy talking about it last night. Only one person ever knew. And told me to stop. Dallas. But that couldn't be, he was in Florida with  no thought or care about me. I bet the guy took it. Looks like I'll be stopping to get a new one before I leave. I grabbed my wallet and checked for everything else. I had my money, cards, Ids. We were good. Stupid boy.


I finished packing and began to put everything in my car. I walked inside, and found everyone including Mya and Brennen in the living room. I walked in and cleared my throat to get their attention. "Everything is packed, I'm leaving." Everyone took turns giving me a hug. "Make sure to take pictures and text me!" Mya said. "Will do, love you guys. bye!" I said turning around and walking to my car.


I pulled up to Kyle and Dylan's house on the outskirts of New York City. I got out of my car as Kyle came rushing out the door at me. "Lil sis!" He said tackling me with a hug. "I missed you, you haven't texted much. You have to update me!" He said quickly. "I'll tell you everything once I'm unpacked ok?" I said, he nodded. We carried everything inside and he helped me unpack everything in the guest room.

"Where is Dylan?" I asked, realizing I haven't seen her yet. "She had a lecture this afternoon, she'll be back soon." He responded. "Ok tell me everything." And so I did. Everything from him leaving until last night. By the time we were finished, we were comfortable on the couch when I heard a car door. "Is that Dylan?" I asked. He nodded, smiling like a fool.

I heard to door open and I turned around to look at Dylan. I was not expecting a pregnant Dylan. "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" I screamed. "Surprise!" She responded, dropping her bag and walking over to me. "Nice to see you again! We haven't heard from any of you in ages, except last night, when you and Mya went missing." She grinned like she knew something. "Oh ya excuse me for running away from from your cheating ass of a brother with my step sister." "HE DID WHAT?" Dylan screamed at the same time as Kyle screamed, "STEP SISTER?" "Oops.." I awkwardly laughed. The next few days are going to be a trip.


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