"What's wrong?" He asked putting his hand around my throat

"Nun" I mumbled

"Well don't be my girlfriend right now be my bestfriend , what that nigga do best" He smirked

"Shut up" I laughed but I felt it kick the fuck out my stomach and it wouldn't stop

"Fuck stop damn" I groaned squeezing kentrell hand tight as possible

"Lemme see" He pulled up my shirt and rubbed my stomach and it immediately stopped kicking

"Oh so she a daddy's girl" He chuckled

"Lets go to the store so we can buy some food and stuff to cook and make for this gender reveal stop calling my baby a she" I said before getting up putting on some sweats

"Bae check me out" He laughed rolling the red carpet off he start twisting and walked off

"You is so fucking agg" I bust out laughing recording him

"Come on big kid" -After hours of shopping with kentrell we all know he had to go overboard withh all types of girl clothes I told him what if its a boy he gone tell me save it for our next baby

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"Come on big kid"
After hours of shopping with kentrell we all know he had to go overboard withh all types of girl clothes I told him what if its a boy he gone tell me save it for our next baby

(Its kinda getting boring so i'll skip to the gender reveal)

Kentrell Gaulden| Nba Youngboy🦎
"Bae this dress showing too much" I mumbled everybody was outside playing games and having fun while I held ari hostage she looked to sexy and I wasn't letting her out it was a silky high ass blue dress

"KENTRELL LET HER THE FUCK OUT" My momma yelled bussing through the door

I signed , her powerfull wrankle in time face ass do the most

"Take my flick" She said once they walked downstairs

"Take my flick" She said once they walked downstairs

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(Pretend the belly a 4 month belly)

"Okay it's time for the momma and daddy to play the games" Her momma said

They choose the people who Me and Ari was close to, ta play the games

"Alright this for the daddy and her uncles" Aiyanna said

"Whoever drink the bottle the fastest wins 3,000 dollars" She said I watched ari'anna lazy ass go sit in the queen chair thing taking off the heels and putting on the gucci slides

"1...2...3 go" I gulped that shit slowly because I already have 3,000 well more then that

"BABYJOEE WONN" They all clapped ofcourse the broke nigga wanna win

Most of the gang had on pink shirts

"Bae my legs hurt" She whined hugging my waist

"Well lemme tell them we ready"

"Aye everybody my girl legs hurt so come on get this shit over with" I said into the mic

Momma came outside and got the car keys

"Whatever color come out the gas is the gender" I said putting the mic back

Me and Ari stood in the road holding hands I never thought i'll get to this point with ari'anna due to our big ass break up

I was just ready for this moment

The tires was gone and pink smoke came out

"AWW BAE" She sniffled hugging me

Let's just say today was a success
"Now all we do is have a baby shower and think of baby names" I said before laying in her lap

"My youtube fans ask me when are we gonna post again" She huffed

"Prolly neva" I chuckled

"I hate editing that's the only thing"

"Alright im thinking what about Cali" She asked

"Nah that shit is tacky as fuck"

"I got some K'iarya , Kassidy , Aliah , K'mari , Kyla , Kylie , Kennedy" I smiled "Aw that is cute names but we still have too decide like which one"

"A-You don't listen asshole im getting sleepy though" She mumbled

"I luh you"

"I love you too"


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