"she seems literally fine one minute and then seems so angry and emotional the next. Its just upsetting seeing her like that I watched mars or whoever she was bully kaliana for ages and then watched them fall in love and then even though she doesn't like to admit it sometimes or show it, I watched her heartbreak when it was all a lie-" I stopped listening to them and continued to run through the forest but just in human form.

As I ran I hopped up onto the side of a tree and jumped up but still I couldn't, I couldn't shift. I fell and hit the ground writhing in pain because my body was refusing to shift. "arhgg" I hit the ground and saw that my claws were out but blood was slowly covering my fingers. I stopped trying to shift and let out a big breathe, my claws slowly going away along with the pain.

This has been happening ever since I killed her, I don't know why its happening and I probably should tell someone but I think it would be best if I try and fix it myself. I slowly got up from the ground and wiped the dirt from my clothes. Its weird before I didn't feel the need to shift whenever I was sad or angry I just pushed through it like every normal person in the world. But now it's like I need to shift when I get angry or i'll just explode, and get angry at everyone.

But whenever I try it never freaking works and it just builds up more anger.

I turned around and walked away but I was quickly swept off of my feet but I quickly jumped up and stared looking in between the trees trying to see what just did that. "whoever or whatever you are you better get out here before I find you. Because I might not give you a chance to explain and save yourself" I heard the snapping of twigs and turned to the noise.

"looks like you're having some difficulty there, guardian" an alpha, I could tell by the scent. A British alpha. "no idea what you're talking about" I turned around to her and saw her leaning against a tree "who are you and what are you doing on my land" I asked. "Gwen and honestly, I'm just here to recruit new members to my pack" she said walking towards me.

"well you best be looking somewhere else because you aren't going to find anyone here. Now get going or you're going to have a problem" she just laughed and held her hands up "hey no need to be so hostile I mean I don't want any trouble". She looked me up and down with a sympathetic look "but I doubt very much that you would be able to do as much damage as you think".

Before I attempted to come back with another threat growl surrounded us but I had nothing to worry about because it was just kris and the others. All of them started to walk beside me most in wolf form apart from kris and Lukas. Mabel came and stood next to me "you ok now?" She asked me "getting there".

"come on I literally said I didn't want any trouble" she said nervously Lukas let out a growl and she looked to him and growled back letting her eyes glow red. "you may be more powerful, but you don't have a strong enough willpower to take an alpha" she said. "guys she isn't a threat. Jess, kris Show her off the land and to the nearest gas station." I said as I walked back to the house with Mabel.

"she looks younger than you" Mabel said "i know, she said that she was recruiting for her pack which is odd cause she should have been able to sense that this land was marked especially by me" literally near enough right in the middle of our land. That actually seems a bit dangerous like even though there aren't many of us there are still a lot of people who probably want me dead, and no one is walking around the borders making sure that nothing dangerous is getting in.

"i mean the only dangers before were Kate and John but now that they're gone everything just seems easier I guess" everyones too laid back I mean we don't know what else is out there I mean yes we've been faced with really dangerous creatures before but that was in smaller numbers.

"you seem stressed, is it because of this morning?" I glanced up to her and then back down to the ground. "n-no you were right this morning. And I think that's what I'm going to do today, so would It be ok if you give me some space for a while" I asked her.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple "of course, anything you need". So we walked back to the house and kris linked me telling me that she had shifted and ran off into the woods, which was good I guess I just don't want anymore surprises.

I walked upstairs with a tea in my hand and was about to open my bedroom door but looked down the hall. I haven't even been in her room since I killed her and to be perfectly honest I don't remember what its like which I guess is a good thing. I just want to get rid of every little thing about her gone and destroyed as quickly as possible. Because even though I found my true mate, she still broke my heart. "fuck it".

I walked over to the door and hesitated just for a second but then slowly opened the door. As I walked in her scent surrounded me I felt myself grow more anxious as I gazed around the room, I don't think I've ever felt like this before. Everything was dusty as if it had been forever since anyone had been in here. Out her window just leads to the back of the house and no one really goes there so I guess all the trash which will probably be most things while other things i'll just give away.

I walked over and opened the curtains letting some light in and then swung open the big window now what first, the dresser. I opened up the drawers and just started pouring all her makeup and bits and bobs onto her blanket. One drawer after the other until I came to one that had photos in it. Photos of us.

When we were at school, chilling by the pool some of these times I remember as clear as day and others I can't remember at all. But all this time she had created someone fake to make these times the best they could be. So all these happy and fun times were probably because of her and that's what's hardest for me.

Looking back and thinking, knowing that the only reason she wanted me to be happy was so I would let her in and trust her until it was time for her to kill me off, I guess that didn't work did it bitch. I picked up hand fulls of photos and there them on the bed as well but I noticed something odd about the bottom of the drawer. There was a piece of black string that went down the back I slowly ran my hand along the base and felt the wood shift beneath my fingertips.

I wrapped my finger around the string and tugged on it which cause the base to lift up I pulled the fake base up and dropped it on the floor. There was a notebook just a small black one that left only a small enough gap around the edges so you could take it out. So that's exactly what I did I mean its not like the bitch is here to object.

(GxG)Forever in love, the sequelWhere stories live. Discover now